
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:51:47
"home"是副词吗? 国庆作文500字2篇好的话可以得分 作文2篇500字 物理机械波题在大教室中,教师手拿振动的音叉站立不动,学生听到音叉振动声音的频率01020Hzν=;若教师以速度0.5m/sv=匀速向黑板走去,则教师身后的学生将会听到拍音,试计算拍频(设声波在空 can I go home now同意句改写好像不可以用Am I able to go home now We can go home now 改为祈使句 My mother is a manager of a hotel和My mother is a manager at a hotel和My mother is a manager in a hotel一样吗? His father is a manager of two hotels.他的爸爸是两个酒店的经理.一句中问什么用of? The job of a hotel manager is not easy at all,_______ _______?(完成反意疑问句) 猜成语:对恶劣环境或无理待遇不想改变,采取容忍态度 对恶劣的环境或无理的待遇采取忍受的态度 对别人的欺负或无理的待遇采取容忍的态度是什么成语 对恶劣环境或无理待遇不想改变,采取容忍态度.用成语代替! 今晚来自星星的你播吗 来自星星的你今晚几点在哪儿播? 满文 建 字怎么写 我是满族人 不知道自己的名怎么写 怎么读 请会满文的帮个忙 先谢了 机械波物理题一列简谐横波在t=0时刻的波形如图中的实线所示,t=0.02s时刻的波形如图中虚线所示.若该波的周期T大于0.02s,则该波的传播速度可能是 A.2m/sB.3m/sC.4m/sD.5m/s 此题答案为B,为 He left his watch in the hotel .中文 Mr.Bob and his wife watch television 这句话中如果只有Mr.Bob应该怎么写,watch加S吗? 英语翻译Where are all the nice guys?So if you nice would like to meet you翻译下 英语翻译3.ResultsThe results of factor analyses show that tourists’ spaceconsumption has a seasonal pattern in Estonia,and mobilepositioning data enables study of its space–timedynamic.The factor analysis of the matrix with thepositioning dat 英语翻译糟了,太长了,补充不了,怎么办 口( )心( )的词语所填词必须是"口"和"心"的反义词哟您的大恩大德偶莫齿难忘 ()口()心 填词语 口()心()填相反的词语口()心()里面填相反的词语 补充词语 佛口( )心 汽车以每小时40千米的速度从青岛开往济南,1小时后吉普车从济南开往青岛,3.2小时后辆相遇,求吉普的速度 英译中四句话1. One day the small man came home very excited2. He hurried into the living room 3. I won ten thousand pound on the lottery4. His wife was listening to the radio and eating chocolates there 马拉松赛进入最后阶段,发现少数运动员下肢肌肉抽搐,这是因为随着大量出汗而向体外排出了过量的( )A.水 B.钙盐 C.钠盐 D.尿素 英译中 1句话These outstanding professionals work closely with you to enhance the packaging of your application designed to increase the likelihood of gaining acceptance to the school of your dreams. 求教这句话的英译中.efforts to incorporate the dialogic function were not completely ignored,however ,as several organizations did provide feedback forms and promised to follow up on concerns as part of their assurance strategy. 马拉松运动员进入冲刺阶段时,发现少数运动员下肢发现肌肉抽搐,随着大量排汗向外排出过量的什么?马拉松运动员进入冲刺阶段时,发现少数运动员下肢发现肌肉抽搐,随着大量排汗向外排出