
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:49:47
Does any of you know why Jack hasn't come yet 这句话中为什么用does Lucy hasn't come yet.I don't know what______(happen) to her.答案是has happened ,为什么呢? what about having a trip to hangzhou next sunday?( ) ( )havea trip to hangzhou next sunday?在改写后的句子括号内填上所缺单词,使其与原句意思相符 You can hardly imagine Jane ____ the housework all by herself.a.to do b.doing c.do d.did 选哪个 我们千千万万颗心在跳荡.分别改为比喻句,反问句,感叹句. 给我一个比喻句,拟人句,排比句,感叹句和反问句,各一句,不要太长……谢谢. How is Sally? He looks young,为什么加S这里的LOOK为什么加了S? hall _(tall )is Sally?括号内填什么啊 He looks great in his uniform.g reat是画线部分,对画线部分提问 he looks (great) in his uniform就括号部分提问 He looks great in his uniform great 单词怎么念 麻烦给标拼音 只要这话圈圈的题的答案和步骤 扇贝网怎么打卡 Do you know A who is that man B who is the winner C who will speak at the meeting 这三个宾语从...Do you know A who is that man B who is the winner C who will speak at the meeting 这三个宾语从句,哪个是错的,如何判断who在从句作 中国十大名茶简介 mei is very friendly,you can get alone well with her的近义句 mei is friendly enough然后3个空wellWHY 扇贝网怎么查不到阅读进度?扇贝网里第一次登录时可以查到自己的阅读量(单词数),阅读文章数等等,但现在找不到了,不知怎么查,去哪里找呢 请教除了delicious,nice,delicate,etc.,称赞食物美味、精致的形容词还有哪些?越多越好! sun of a sun of sun of 求“园务公示 ”的英语翻译幼儿园园务公示板 英语翻译LOVE IS YOU LOVE IS MELOVE IS FOREVER能翻译成汉文吗 1.下列地图与等高线无关的是:A经纬网地图 B地形剖面图 C等高线剖面图 D分层设色地形图 2.阅读课本P24(七年级上期地理湘教版),等高线地形图上每一条线上的数字表示:A海拔 B相对高度 C The sports meeting will continue ( ) rains this afternoon.这是道英语选择题 选项是A.unless B.until C.if D.as soon as 请根据意思写出带有“深”字的四字词语 根据意思写出带有“深”字的四字词语深厚的感情和友谊叫( ). 极深的冤仇和恨意叫( ). 深远的谋划和思考叫( ). 幽深的大山和树木叫( ). 关于我的快乐寒假的作文(要350以上) 愉快的寒假作文怎么写 I don't want to have any student ____(miss) my class.