
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:55:19
Mary said she____ to Beijing twice.A、 had gone Mary said she____ to Beijing twice.A、had gone B、want C、had been D、was  I heard that she has gone abroad said中said是什么意思原句为I heard it is said that she has gone abroad. Many Chang said that he to Guangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been选哪个 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D.had never been 选哪个?为什么? 句型转换 1、He can play football on the playground _____ _____we _____football?2、She wears a new pink sweater today._____ ____she____today?3、Millie's uncle and aunt come to her party._____ _____to her party?4、 Millie feels happy that day._ 【句型转换】 I like to play football ,too .(变否定句) I ----- like to play football,-----. 心若沉静,则身不动,口不动,意不动,烦恼则少. 命由己造,相由心生!世界万物皆化相,心不动,则万物不动!心不变则万相不变是什么意 是地理谜语的就行越多越好! Tom said he has never been to Hong Kong.反义疑问句 I think she has never been to Disneyland,____反意疑问句怎么加,(急!) -she's never been to Hong Kong,_____?-______,but how she wishes to go there againAis she,yes Bis she,no Chas she,yes Dhas she,no She has been to shanghai already变成否定和疑问句 Peter has never been to Hong Kong,___________.选项如下:A.and either have I B.nor me C.and I also have not D.and neither have I She's never been to England, () she?填上后必须是反意疑问句 I have never been to shanghai.( ) ( )she我没去过上海,她也没去过 He has never been there. I have never been there,either(改为同义句) ------ (说明理由) I have never been to England before.改为一般疑问句( )you( )been to England before? You mustn't be late for the meeting 改祈使句_ _ late for school.Jim doesn't knowhow to get to the museum.改为同义句Jimdoesn'tknow _ _ _ the musum?I get up late this morning;I am afraid that I will be late.改同义句I get up late this morni 求一首英文歌,歌名和tonight tonight tonight有关~求一首英文歌,第一次听到应该是差不多03 04年,歌名是什么我没记住.只记得mv的风格有点像卓别林的电影那中荒诞风,mv内容时中欧时期穿着的一男 一首女声的英文歌其中有一句"tonight tonight tonight"一定是女声的 很轻快有点像摇滚不是 好像是个很年轻的女歌手唱的 在我应该在的位置 用英语怎么说 心 心 心 心 数 心 心 心 心(打一成语)其 其 其其 乐 其其 其 其也是打一成语.是其乐融融么 心如流水在中国成语词典中是什么意思求大神帮助 环岛游 英语怎么说 我怎样才能飞到火星 萤火一号飞到火星需要多长时间 can you say something about your learning habits?用英语回答,说个三四句! say something about your school专题表达 不少于8句 Can you tell me about your eating_?A.healthyCan you tell me about your eating_?A.healthy B.answer C.star D.habits 英语翻译2月1日,英国《世界新闻报》爆料,北京奥运会八金得主菲尔普斯被抓拍到吸食大麻,并且已将其吸食大麻的照片作为证据发布出来.2月2日,菲尔普斯就此发表个人声明,承认吸毒并就此道 Please _______ the stereo when you are doing your homework.A.turn in B.turn on C.turn off D.turnPlease _______ the stereo when you are doing your homework.A.turn in B.turn on C.turn off D.turn out