
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:28:20
Three from ten is seven.(对seven进行提问) seven,and,t(),iS,ten 运动场的跑道一圈长四百米小健练习骑自行车平均每分骑350米小康练习跑步 平均每分钟跑两百五十米两人运动场的跑道一圈长四百米小健练习骑自行车平均每分骑350米小康练习跑步 平均每 红嘴红脚的动物是什么生肖 Can I __ in our school band? 选择哪个?为什么? A am B be 我的名字里有个蕊字,所以想找个发rui音的英文名.对了,要女生名字 英文名..R开头的 最好有rui这个音在里面.刚刚注册积分不高.Rayn这名字是男生名吗?女孩子不能用吗? 英语翻译还有 要注明中文 一定要有中文! 运动场的跑道一圈长四百米小建练习骑自行车平均每分骑三百五十米小刚练习跑步平均每分跑二百五十米从两人同一处同时反方向出发经过多少时间首次相遇又经过多少时间再次相遇 曹操是个什么样的人,你们欣赏他吗?曹操是个什么样的人,我很欣赏他,你们呢? 歌词what to say what to say what to say,有试听,求歌名有试听,求歌名, 有喜欢曹操的吗?历史只是一种载体,它承载的不只是一个时代的兴衰,更承载着那一时代的芸芸众生相.英雄?枭雄?奸雄?或许这些说法只是成王败寇这句俗语的一种衍生.翻开厚厚的史书,我们在 曹操杀了哪些人(5个) 叫曹操阿瞒的是谁?那人最后被曹操部将所杀还有那部将叫? I am fond of pictorials of children哪里有错? 官渡之战曹操杀了袁绍多少人 最后的寒冬 THE LAST WINTER怎么样 动物为什么有嘴唇?那为什么是红色? 什么动物嘴唇最厚 The leaves are colourful.意思 The leaves are out.啥意思? 用way的短语添 3、( ),where is my coat 急:In the forest live many tribes(部落),one of (them/which) is Pygmy.In the forest live many tribes(部落),one of (them/which) is Pygmy.为什么选which呢,请说明原因,您能回答的通俗一点吗?我是语法盲,请举个例子, 求解答:The teaching building is ---by many trees,some--over 30 metersA surrounded measuring B surrounded measured 英语翻译I fear that I will always be a lonely number like root threeA three is all that's good and right Why must my three keep out of sight Beneath a vicious square-root sign?I wish instead I were a nine For nine could thwart this evil trick Wit you will never know how much it meant to me是什么意思 China has managed to come to terms with the long term existence of some of these groups ___you ____of the answers?with these w___,he left it could have be better 是说他好还是不好 What is happiness?Where do you find it?If you have trouble answering those questions,you are not Among the rubbish,I found a sign which said:“Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.”句中which said是a sign的定语从句? Among the rubbish,I found a sign which said any one who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted 求其语法