
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:01:31
tell、say(过去式) 严这个字咋么读 13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more D.other; more five14.I called you just now,but you weren’t in -Sorry,I ______ the reading room.A.was 广泛阅读书本的词是什么?快 I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more D.other; more five 根据意思写词语 广泛的阅读各种书根据意思写词语1、广泛的阅读各种书 ( )2、称心如意,感到非常满意( )3、一副受惊而愣住的样子( )4、张着嘴巴说不出话来( )5、因害羞脸上发红 I will give ___ students___ minutes for them to finish their exercise. 请问本题选择什么13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more 广泛阅读各种各样的书籍 可以变成什么词语? 2009希望之星英语风采大赛北京赛区复赛求才艺指导.(才艺在复赛中重要吗?)才艺怎么打分啊?占复赛的多少分啊?偶唱一个雪绒花怎么样?徐州张祥 what are you doing?看清我的问题再回答嘛~ 2010希望之星英语风采大赛深圳赛区复赛时间 I wonder___you will go to Guangzhou with them next week.A.that B.if C.westher D.\ 秒采 On dear.I will_____them next week. Most of them are going off to Guangzhou next week.这句话可以把人称代词提前吗 我的名字翻译成英文名是什么!我叫吴柏宁 我的名字叫“秋林”,请问把我的名字翻译成英文名是什么? 两个朋友吵架,我该怎么劝说?我有两个好朋友,她们平时关系还可以,但最近不知道因为什么是老是吵架,而且说的都是很难听的脏话,都快毕业了还这样,我应该怎么劝她们呢? 请问2009年希望之星英语风采大赛贵阳赛区在哪里报名 英语翻译我的名字叫王晨,我知道王翻译成Wong,晨要怎么翻译呢?能起个和这个相近 的英文名吗? 与众不同的我 英语作文 要写出特点 我参加大赛的 英语3级可以接受的作文 英语翻译 英语作文Let's study english well 翻译一段E-MAIL请翻译这段英文,要快而好.Dear alexandra:Thank you for contacting PayPal. I apologize for the delay in respondingto your concern and the difficulty you have experienced. I understand that this is about receiving a payment t 英语作文how was your spring festival?60字 英语中让步状语从句与其他从句的区别 辩论题(英文)“Can time heals everything?"帮忙,正方的观点,我需要向反方提问的问题及驳倒反方的理由,注意:用英语! 翻译!帮下忙~Everything has a end,maybe it's time for you to give out! 我的中文名叫 jia yue wen 想起一个和中文名音近的英文名 请附发音方式 英国 澳大利亚 新西兰的国旗相似性的原因3个国家的国旗都有相似的地方 请简单说明这种相似的原因 让步状语从句中主句形式一定要用将来时吗拜托各位大神No matter how busy he is,he goes to visit his parents every week. 这个句子对吗? 我朋友问我Have U found your Mr.Right?我应该怎样用英语回答 Time can almost heal everything, give it time.