
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:35:54
两只老虎+两头狮子VS一头霸王龙谁最终会获胜呢 21世纪英语手机报怎么办理?资费是多少 21世纪英语手机报初中的怎么取消?(联通)不想看了 发什么代码可以取消?……(短信) 这样的数学题还用算税率吗?妈妈存了20000元,利率是5.4,五年后取出,她能得到多少钱? 正方形EFGH的边长为5cm 长方形ABCG的长为8cm.CG的长?(8-5)*2 背上青色,肚子是红色的蛇是什么蛇? 有谁知道什么是荧光紫外灯? This hospital,which (equip) ________ with modern facilities,is one of the best in the country.为什么填 is equipped ,用的是is? 香豆素的天蓝色荧光是指在阳光下还是紫外灯下? 梦见一个大清蛇在自己的房间里出现是什么意思呢 蒙语的“我爱你”和回答“我也爱你”分别怎么说?要音标或者中文音译 蒙语音标和汉语音标一样吗 英语翻译为什么要be TOTAL,DECORATIONS CARRIED TO SUMMARY OF UBUNGO CONTROL OFFICE AND ABLUTION BLOCK这是标书里面的一句话,每一个大项的最后一句话都是这样的, 帮忙翻译一句话.I expected my instructions to be carried out to the letter. 如图,数轴上有2n+1个点,他们所对应的整数是-n,-(n-1),…,-2,-1,0,1,2,……,n-2,n-1,n.为了确保从这些点中可以任取2006个,而且其中任何两点之间的距离都不等于4,求n的最小值 【求助】这个化合物在紫外灯下怎么显色? 糠醛在紫外灯下是否显色 it和that 在名词性从句中有什么用法区别?i hate (it|that)when people talk with their mouths full选哪个 为什么? 名词性从句中只能用that的有哪些情况?来人啊 It is not good to play computer games properly. 请高人帮忙翻译一下这段 谢谢It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I and my Son Harrison intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confiding before you 英语翻译President George W.Bush and Congress expanded federal intervention.His education law,still in effect,required states to show yearly progress in student learning as measured by the states' own tests. 英语翻译Are all white lies to be avoided at all costs?Not necessarily.The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring,"like telling children about the to 数学题小强把100元存入银行,定期2年,利息税率为百分之五,到期时获得本金和税后利息一共105.81元,银行的年利率约是多少? 国家规定个人纳税方法是:如下:1:月收入不超过3500远的不纳税2:月收入超过3500元但不超过4500元的,应缴纳超过1000元哪一部分的5%的税3:月收入超过4500元但不超过6000元的,分两段纳税:超 名词性从句中的that省略情况 sympathy 与empathy的区别 英语翻译this is roughly the equivalent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more 求阿姆business的中英文互译歌词要中文注解 Sympathy和empathy有什么区别啊?请举几个例子加以说明他们的区别(请从汉语的角度上说明他们的不同之处,不要单单告诉我他们词义的区别) empathy和sympathy的区别