
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:37:26
Please give her your book.(改为同意句) please give her your book./ ( ) your book ( ) ( ) ,please.改为同义句 Pleas give her your book .的同义句是什么 Please give her the new book.改为同义句 如图,PA和PB分别与圆O相切于A,B两点,作直径AC,并延长交PB于点D,连接OP,CB已知PA=12,DB:DC=2:1,求圆O的半径 连成句子I,having,when,was,someone,breakfast,at,knocked,door,the 未抓住机会而失败的事例 按要求完成句子.We parents having dinner when someone was knocking at the door.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是:having dinner - - - - when someonce was knocking at the door? We were having lunch,when someone knocked the door (问号处填介词或副词) Someone---at the door when Tom was having his supper? 求2011考研英语单词表(word或PDF), 没关系 英语怎么读 He was having dinner____a unknown woman knocked at the door.填when还是while? 中国历史上没有抓住机遇的人的实例,算了,世界历史上有哪些没有抓住机遇的名人的实例, 抓住机遇的事例是生活中的!例如:课上发言,抢到了机会! 抓住机遇的例子最好是短一点是名人的,越多越好.好的还加分. 六年级上册《最后一头战象》,赞美嘎羧不离不弃的精神! 低糖牛奶英文怎么说 给《最后一头战象》里面的嘎羧写颁奖词.明天要交的,不要太长了,五十字就可以了! 英语翻译和一个大蛋糕 《最后一头战象》通过象鞍和嘎羧的描绘深情歌颂了 《最后一头战象》歌颂了战象嘎羧什么样的的高尚情怀? 英语翻译求急 截止到明天晚上.求高手翻译一篇英文.麻烦快点. 请推荐一篇关于名人抓住机会的故事吧!280字左右 关于名人抓住机遇的故事 1.When I ____(konck) at his door .he was cooking.2.We were watching TV when the light ____(go)out.3.He had luch at school every day last year(改为否定句)4.MY AUNT visited our school then.(对大些部分提问)5.They didn"t like the city e what were you doing when someone knocked at the door?分析一下句型我看懂前半句,是过去进行时,someone knocked at the door是有人贞敲门,我不懂的是when怎么加在中间,when加在其他地方可不可以,when是修饰什么的 C# 怎样 使用像VB 的split我想分割 一个字符串,例如 :xvkasd{,}vzxczxcliuas{,}askjdhk{,}khkjhkzxkcjhk{,}sdfasdasd我想 以 {,} 来分割 What___you___when someone knocked at the door?A.did;do B.were;doing C.do;do D.are;doing什么时候用was/were doing,什么时候用did 她喜欢看她的猫睡在她膝盖上的样子用英语说 翻译:大部分时间,我的猫只想睡在在我的膝盖上