
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:58
These books are (mine).(对括号内提问) 就括号里提问.These books are (theirs) you make me happy是什么意思看到一句英文:u make me hapi .这个应该是标题的简写吧!?意思是你让我开心吗? Only you can make me happy! help sb.with sth怎么用怎么用在句子上,举个例子 Could you tell me what time the plant_____?A.left B.leaves C.leaved D.was leaving help sb sth=help sb with `` 要有理由奥!谢了! Can you tell me what time the train leaves Hefei for Befei for BeijingI am afraid you need to _____on the Internet.A:look for itB:look at itC:look it overD:look it up要ABCD个选项的意思奥! cure their patients of illness如何翻译 They helped doctors to cure one of the worst illness ____ old people.A.for B.like C.with D.as Some American doctors say taht 50% of illness have something to do with polluted indoor air.翻译谢 翻译 His illness is beyond cure. AND,THESE,ARE,TWO,FRIEND,MARY,TOM,HER 如何连词成句? take on/off put on/off get on/off turn on/otake on/off put on/off get on/off turn on/off/up/down 这几个词的意思… take off your shoes and put on your slippers 调换下列句子中的词的位置 形容词的解释到底加不加“的”,英语理解是一个词,如happy都是“开心的”,但语文里开心就是形容词而且不是形容词作定语吗,那这样的话是加了“的”后这个词作定语,还是“的”本来就是属 开心除了HAPPY英文还有什么 回答我给很多分塔 英语形容词快乐happy 不快乐是don’t happy吗?形容否定用是什么 英语:我让他们高兴且不使他们孤独.该怎么说I will make them happy and make them never lonely对么主要是and连接的连个该怎么弄. 是应该用原型么? 还是什么.把and连接的说清楚. 英语单词拼写的形式主要是什么语法?我的英语单词拼写很差,主要是不会形式.例In the acident,forteen people were killed,including three children.不知道那个includ为什么用doing?还有lisa,i didn"t recognize you ,you are with the monkeys swinging arms(.)连词成句,注意大小写. The monkey is swinging ( )the rope now 介词 英语翻译1.我在看电视 2.他们在踢足球 3.他在听音乐 4.她在做饭 5.他们在放风筝 6.他们在吃饭 7.汤姆在跑步 8.小明在游泳 这些改肯定句,否定句,疑问句,回答 坐了很久的巴士后我终于看见了青城山的英语翻译,不用用百度或谷歌翻译!快 "前天在我回家的路上遇见了我女朋友用英语翻译 请问,I don't want to see your face!是什么意思我不愿再见到你”这样翻译正确吗 i want to see your face什么意思 英语翻译You are always gonna be the one.Now and forever,I'll remember to love,you taught me how.还有这一句, I don't want to see your face!这句话是什么意思求大神帮助请哪位英语高人来解答下 I ( ) here to see you when the accident happened. A.came B.had come C.was coming选项加原因谢谢 1.get hurt _____his leg (介词用什么?) 2.be hu1.get hurt _____his leg (介词用什么?)2.be hurt 中hurt 是什么词性? My left leg_____when I move it.A.is hurt B,hurt C.hurts选哪个?为什么?