
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:14:03
作业多的诗歌 ______!The baby is sleepingA.No shout B.Don't shouting C.No shouting D Not shout 转移银行账户的 用哪个英文单词表示转移?transfer ,move 连词成句items,chidren,are,the,here,buy,want,to,the(.)money,how,got,have,much,you(?)a,your,are,planning,classmates,barbecue(.)can,delicious,aunt,food,my,cook(.) we the want one here"s (连词成句) 连词成句 we one is here the want 基因真的可以筛选吗 复合函数内偶外奇怎么会是偶函数?假设U=g(x)为偶函数,y=f(x)为奇函数.那么y=f{g(x)}为偶函数..为什么?我推了下,因为y是奇函数,所以y=f(--u)=--f(u),因为u是偶函数,所以值都是相等的..就可以推 海波在48摄氏度时处于什么状态 理由是什么 甲的速度比乙快八分之一,甲的速度是乙的() 演讲稿 《祖国在我心》 二次函数的图像经过P(1,10),顶点坐标为Q(-1,-2).求这个二次函数的解析式 有没有改英语病句的诀窍?细一点 While we find no reason to ____ your claim...While we find no reason to ____ your claim,we are writing you now accepting 2% allowance in response to your continued patronge.A.entertain B.accept C.reject D.settle Your claim _____ damage is to be _____ the insurance company.A.for ...filed B.on ...met with C.for ...satisfied to D.on ...compensated in Power of love意思谢谢 please help me take care of my cat! 请求别人帮你照看物品时,应该怎么说.要选哪个好?A.Can you look at my bag,please?B.Can you help me 设等差数列an中前n项和为sn,且s5=a5,若a4不等于0,则a7\a4= {an}为等差数列,a5>0 ,a4+a7 根据首字母写单词1.Please help me take my (t ).I may have a fever.1.Please help me take my (t ).I may have a fever.2.Theair ,(e )in cities,is getting worse and worse.3.Lisa,be (c )not to make your clothes dirty.4.The cup fell o If you want a thing ,you first let go ,if he finally to return to your side that he belongs to . "Please kindly see as below our quotation"此句中kindly做何解?为什麼用这个词? 已知正数组成的等差数列{an}的前20项和为100,那么a7*a14的最大值为? 数列:已知正数组成的等差数列{an}的前n项和为100,那么a7乘a14的最大值为多少 等差数列的前20项的和等于100,那么a7.a14的最大值等于多少如题! 语文初三文言文在《惠子相梁》一文中,庄子借鵷鵮与鸱的故事巧妙地讽刺了惠施,请问惠施知道庄子话的意思后,会有什么反应? 诸葛亮在《出师表》中说自己“苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达与诸侯”.而陈寿写道“(亮)每自比于管仲、乐毅.”是否矛盾?为什么? 什么叫比容和密度?它们之间有什么关系? 比容和密度的关系( ) A正比 B反比 C相等 D倒数 一知一物质的比重和密度怎样求比容? 什么叫比容和密度?它们之间的关系怎样?