
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:41:00
根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词.3.My little sister can s____ three English songs.9.He can paint but he can't paint w____.(再问下,) 初一英语问题,请高人指教(阅读短文根据首字母的提示补全单词)Everybody knows that the favorite food in the Ubited States is the hamburger ,it seems impossible,but people eat 34,000,000,000 hambueger a year.This is enough t 根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词 体育课上,为了测量投铅球的距离,因选用() A.三角板 B.1.5m的皮尺 C.200cm的钢尺 D.15m的皮尺 阅读短文,根据首字母补全单词(初一英语)In China if you are seven,you have to go to school.At school you learn different 1.s___.2.S___ is one of them.We have three science classes a 3.w___.They are on Tuesday,4.W___ and Friday.We ca 根据语境及首字母提示,完成单词补全短文根据语境及首字母提示,完成单词补全短文Look at my room!This is my bed.What (1)c________ is it?It is green.Is that my jacket?Yes.It's on the bed.(2)W_________ is under the bed?Oh,i 校运动会铁饼比赛中,裁判员用皮卷尺测量比赛成绩,在测量时如果将皮卷尺拉得太紧,则测量值将会A:偏大 B:偏小 C不变 D都有可能 在运动会上的铁饼比赛中,裁判员用皮卷尺测量比赛的成绩,如在测量时将皮卷尺拉的太紧,则测量值会( )如果没拉直,测量结果会( )WHY? 在运动会上的铁饼比赛中,裁判员用皮卷尺测量比赛的成绩,如果在测量时没有将皮卷拉的直,则测量值将会A、偏大 B、偏小 C、不变 D、都有可能要原因 在本届运动会上的铁饼比赛中,小科奋力一掷后,裁判员用皮卷尺测量比赛成绩,如果在测量时裁判员将皮卷尺拉得太紧,则测量得到小科的成绩将会( )A.偏大 B.偏小 C.不变 D.都有可能请说出答 在运动会上的铁饼比赛中,如果裁判员从冰箱中取出一个皮卷尺来测量比赛的成绩,则在测量时结果将会A偏大B偏小C不变D都有可能 论语句子孔子认为对待先进落后的态度的句子 皮尺刻度换算成厘米我想买一个戒指 托朋友帮我量手指的尺寸 它是用皮尺量的 好像是7.8 但是我不知道单位 请问可以帮我换算成厘米吗 我没什么经验 怎么看皮尺的大小 多少是一尺 什么的我的大概就是这种 皮尺拉不紧读数偏什么?如题 快急!根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空1、Can you see any __________in the zoo?(giraffe)2、Look!There is __________ugly animal under the tree.Is it a bear?(a)3、What animals are __________?(that)4、Let's __________the pa 根据句意从括号中选择适当的单词或短语填空1、He is fat and unhealthy because he___(sometimes,always,never) eats vegetables.2、Let's ____(go,goes,going)there on foot,OK?3、Do you like ____(listen,to,listening to,to listen) music 根据句意,用适当的词填空 谢谢啦1.Can I _____ to Mr Black, please?2.It's half ____seven,it's time to go to ____.3.My favourite ______ is summer.4.I'd like to listen to ____.5.I usually eat ___ at 12:30.6.Can I ask you _____ questions?7.K 卷尺怎么看 还有皮尺卷尺 怎么看上面是代表什么 下面是代表尺寸 知道的说下 关于文言文急 文言文..论语有关,.1.敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之“文”也.⒉学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉?⒊逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜.⒋以思,无益,不如学也.加一句:富与贵是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处 文言文论语12则 给【】中的字解释过,则勿【*】改不【患】无位弟子【*】为好学不【*】过 用拉伸的皮尺去测量长度,其测试值与真正值哪个大? 一根皮尺有多长 《米》? 论语中的语句《论语》是记录了孔子及弟子言论的书,其中有许多精辟的语句,请写一句 1,This Maths problem is_______.I can work it out_______.(easy)2,Do you know a lot of________(visit)will come to our English class?3,What fine the weather is today!Let us go out and play.改错4,My telephone number is 85745697.What is your?改错5,Hal 1.There( )some paper and three books in his bag.A.are B.is C.isn't D.aren't2.There( )a big supermarket in the city.A.is B.has C.are D.have 1、在十字路口往右拐,你就会看到博物馆的入口._________________________,and you'll see the entrance ___________.2、在街道的拐角处有一个宾馆.There is a ______________the street.3、要到达动物园你必须横穿马路. 1、I will remember that day ( )2、( ),Betty caught the bus and didn't miss the contest. 肩宽怎么测量 论语中的句子求论语中一个学生问孔子子路和冉有怎样,然后孔子用了完全相反的言语评价子路和冉有的句子,大意是说子路太勇猛,所以要压他,冉有太不自信,所以要鼓励他,把它在的篇章也写