
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:00:53
Guangzhou later held the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in this building.急.在线等.翻译句子. Good quality copy of China export declaration regs this shippment 这是 老外需要品质证书 请问MJ的《this is it》会在中国上印吗?我今天看到新闻说是将要提前2天上迎,但是只有2个礼拜的期限,所以比较关心会不会在中国地区上映 MR SMITH 英语中MR SMITH 是何意,前面要加什么才能补成一句话 因为当前赏分不高, Mr. Mr Smith is musical ____.A.in nature B.by natureC.of natures D.with nature100.27 Mr & Mrs Smith 歌词 我只想从工作中获得成就感 英语请帮忙翻译成英语 Mr Smith has a _______ daughter 澳门离哪个经济特区最近 This is a mistake in your composition which wants correcting.中的which为什么不能用that代替? this is the museum which/in which/at whivh定从.this museum is that定从.is this the museum which/in which/at whivh定从.is this museum that定从.区别(先问一下这个答案有没有错) 有适用于环氧乙烷灭菌的铝箔袋吗 liu xiang trains every day ( ) get a gold medal in the futureA .so that B .in order to C.in order that Jane came very close ______ (win)a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.为什么?Jane came very close ______ a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.a.to win b.winning c.to winning d.to be won jane came very close a gold medal for Biritain in the Olympics.A.to win B.winning C.to winning D.to be won She wanted to know what was wrong with him.(同义句转换)She____ what ____ ____ him. I'M On Your Side 歌词 译I'm afraid your prices are on the high side.接上面We have another offer for the same products at much lower prices. The Grand Theatre is not far away.It will only take us ______ 5minutes to walk thereA other B the other C another D othersCHINA is a great country _______ a long history and deep culture.A of Bwith C on D by I am checking if Mr.Smith___ free tomorrow.A.is B.will be 为什么选A 英语高手请进 Tomorrow Mr.Smith will leave Paris,______capitaTomorrow Mr.Smith will leave Paris,______capital of______ France,for Washingtonby______ air 怎么填写 为什么 谁将代替史密斯先生? Who will_____________________Mr.Smith? 英语翻译接着是:medal with a record-time of 12.91 seconds in the Athens Olympic Games what was wrong with the boy?同义句 _____ _____ _____the boy? 我很意外地在超市见到了Mr Smith 英语翻译 go along Beacon Street for two blocks and the State House is on your left.zhong wen yi si? 牛津小学英语6B Unit1 小短文翻译 Mr Smith.快, R_____your bicycles on the right-hand side of the streetTina plays computer games every day after school.对every day after school.提问?,with your arm? “he was trained for gold”这句话怎么翻译? 有这么两句歌词,为救李郎离家园,睡了黄邦忠状元 那首歌叫什么名字,曲调像唱戏. together we can see,forever will 急知道,