
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:17:22
成语全部..急 要全部 我要打印! 赌博中的下注用英语怎么说?顺便说下跟注 怎么说 一共2个 庆铃笑着对李姐说,正是因为她是领导所以才可以派她坐南朝北.(改为带有引号的句子)(急啊!改题目要用的,最好下午就有答案,) “概率论与数理统计”的英语怎么说? 带有引号的句子越快越好 《寂寞在唱歌》开头的话讲的是哪国语言? Hurry up!The plane for Beijing with __in ten minutes A.take away B.take of C.take off Dtake outHurry up!The plane for Beijing with __in ten minutesA.take away B.take of C.take off Dtake out选择什么, Ten minutes earlier, they ___ the plane.A. will catch B. would catch C. would have caught D. will have caught the plane for wuxi will leave in ten minutes 划线部分 in ten minutes 对画线部分提问 20世纪2、30年代,资本主义世界的“繁荣”出现了危机,美国和德国是是怎样应对这次危机的?哪国采取的措施对我国发展有很好的借鉴作用? 为什么20世纪20年代资本主义世界的繁荣却带来了危机经济大危机罗斯福新政 20世纪20-30年代,资本主义世界共同面对的危机是什么?为了应对危机,美国和日本各采取了怎样的行动? 准备出国,但感觉自己英语基础太差了.词汇量少,语法差.还有三个月的时间了,请问怎么能提高. They often piay footbaii on Saturdays.改为一般疑问句 They often go hiking on Saturdays.(变为一般疑问句) The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain___to make a landing.A.seat B.seating C.seated D.to be seating 急需关于“我爱我班”“我和班级(同学)共成长”的这一主题的演讲稿、谁有啊?要主题鲜明,层次清晰,详略得当. 材料典型,事例精当, 英语基础不是很好,但因为工作需要要和客户用英语沟通,该买什么英语书 哪个高手有青蛙王子的英文剧本啊!要有出场顺序哦!不要光是英文. 英文版青蛙王子我需要用英文写一篇关于童话青蛙王子的故事, 青蛙王子的作者是谁? After the plane__,the passengers went out.a.ascentb.ascendedc.descentd.descended What do you think of the music?It sounds __.I dislike it.Abad B.worse 这句话怎么翻译呀?Also listening to her were a half a dozen other family members. You were supposed to turn off the A/C,not turn on the furnace.It's getting so hot in here.翻译 she usually practises( )piano on saturdaysA.a B.an C.the ()are her favourite food,because they're( )and( ).On Saturdays and Sundays she often reads( )and括号里怎么填?最后是and( ).求好心人来解答! I wangt to shave this feeling of sweethss with you 翻译 翻译This winter season when it comes to discovering the fantastic couple of footwear to put on with laid-back apparel then you are not able to go far incorrect with buying a couple of ugg bailey boots. The particular design is just like that you co 翻译:you wont be doing anything else! a particular british celebration全文翻译 英语翻译这是电影里的 独白