
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:46:02
北京奥运会“和”字怎样体现中国文化的博大精深? 介绍中国陶瓷文化 300字 曹操蒿里行中最有名的诗句 日本文字为何与中国文字有相似之处 日本与韩国的文字为什么和中国的文字如此相似?日本人可以看懂我们中国的文字.而我们中国人为何看不懂他们的文字呢? 韩国的文字与我们中国的文字有什么联系吗? 毛泽东最有名的诗 体育彩票怎么买?几个数字?中几个数字 可以中奖 杜甫最有名的诗句 七乐彩怎么中奖的是8个数字 《音乐巨人贝多芬》的主旨是什么 11月26,名师导学3.有3名同学,每人买1张体育彩票,则至少有2名同学体育彩票的末位数字相同的概率为A 7/25 B 11/25 C 1/8 D 1/3 为什么用概率计算的彩票号码不准? 英语九年级句型转换We prefer [music that has great lyrics] .(对画线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ ____ do you prefer 九年级英语句型转换1.The reporter was late because the car brok down.改为同句语The reporter was late because there was ____ ____ ____ the car.2.Jack Smith says he has already learnt 7 thousand Chinese words.改为过去式Jack Smith said 王勃的《滕王阁序》哪句诗最有名﹖ 句型转换1.The question was so difficult that I didn't know how to answer it.The question was ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ answer.2.Don't come if I don't call you.____ come ___ I call you.3.Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.___ bad for you eyes 王勃最著名的诗句是哪句 九年级英语同语句转换和句型转换,快同义句转换:1.He's gone off on his own.He ___ ____ ______.2.No wonder it looks real.____ no wonder _____ it looks real.3.You're taking so long.____ _____ you so long.4.Our class have got to write 王勃的诗句填空用王维的“劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”送别朋友,略显伤感,不妨用王勃的诗句“( ),( )”来表达现代人的豪迈情怀 Every one in my family l_____to look after me.填空 首字母填空 i love n--- food,it's a t--- to look after the old 用所给单词的适当形式填空 I would like to look after these_____(home)animals.can you look after it_____(good)?急……非常急 _____ have to look after_____.中文:我们不得不自己照顾自己 英语翻译:你现在还没有必要动身,时间还早呢(there is no need 根据汉语意思完成英文句子 你没必要跟他生气 There is no need _______ ______ ______ _______angry with him. 请问,"there is a need to do"地道英语里有否这种表达?现在问题是说“有需要”而不是“必须” 夏感,文中分别表现夏天“紧张”“热烈”“急促”特点的语句,并说说作者是从哪几个方面来描写夏天景致的 ______important information she gave me yesterday!Andy remembers things very quickly.(改为感叹句)______important information she gave me yesterday!这题用what 和 how的适当形式填空 "She gave me an advice yesterday"这句话错在哪里?请在"gave","an",advice"上进行判断! Is she bought some chocolates yesterday?题目是改为一般疑问句is 后面能过去式吗 根据对仗原则,为下列成语对上结构相同意思相近(相反或相对)的另一个成语.天衣无缝————( )江郎才尽————( )雪中送炭————( )移花接木————( ) There_ a lot to do _the old Museum.A is ,look after B is,to look after C are,to look after继续上面的“D are,look after"