
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:51:12
chip 与cheap的读音有什么区别 杰克美语离魏公村近还是人大近?坐地铁应该哪站下? 什么种类的蜂凶 蜂的分类 to bring to life this great story英语课本上的一句话,翻译一下,讲讲是什么结构.谢谢 蜂都有哪些种类 That we can’get seems better than that we have 哪个that是引导同位语和定语从句 请问这是什么种类的蜂,刚捉的. 拇指这么大的蜂是什么种类的?刚听到响声往窗外一看,一只老拇指大小的蜂子在撞窗户,好吓人的,它身上还有些黄 求英语介绍Bruno Mars和他的just the way you are的介绍要英文的!200词左右 piece是可数名词吗 12.It was only _________ we understand ________ was said to us ____ we began to start our work.A.what; that ; when B.when; what; that C.what; what; that D.that; what; when15.The quake ________ in Beijing,_______ is one hundred kilometers away.A.was f No matter___hard it may be,I will carry it out.A.what B.whatever D.When I do what i promised no matter how hard it is All i need is just the love from you..准确翻译拜托� the students_____wear their school uniform on their first day at school为什么选are to而不选is about to那为什么不选will be to If a person look down on you ,what will you do? 请点出这段英语的语法(详细点)拜托各位大神Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren't restricted to just written words and still pictures .Even if you're new to the Net,you've probably heard about multimedia on-l 歌词里有you don't have to stay this way的英文歌一首男生唱的歌,里面有一段类似listen to the ……you don't have to stay this way……就是这段视频的 51:36左右出现的歌 great changes----in china since 1919A have been taken place B have taken place为什么答案是B 为什么 不用被动语态 great changes ___ since new China _____in 1949.A.have been taken place ,was founded B.took place,founded C.have taken place / was founded D.have taken place ,founded 选哪个?为什么?中文意思是? Great changes _____in China since 1985.Great changes _____in China since 1985.A were taken placeB have taken placeC took placeD have been taken place为什么 这一道在被动语态的练习题 十万个为什么是什么东西? 求人教版高二政治第一课《一切从实际出发》的知识点总结 C, well plan D. a best plan TRY YOUR BEST TO PLAN FOR SOMETHING什么意思 plan the piano the best The news made him feel very sad.句中哪个是谓语?是made还是feel 我觉得是feel啊,因为我觉得全句是不是应该The news that made him feel ...省略了that.如果made是谓语,那么后半句是什么结构? The news made him feel very sad分析,谁是宾语我知道宾语是him feel very sad,但这里宾语成分是从句吗?可是这个him feel very sad没有引导词哦,到底为什么呢? The news made him unhappy四个选项 to feel,feeling,felt,feel The bad news made him (frustrated or frustrating) 关于 人教版 学什么内容啊?听别人说是学哲学 但是搜到必修三是文化生活 两个好像不是同一本书啊 都是要学的内容吗? 浴霸中间的灯坏了该咋办我家使用的浴霸,中间的灯灭了该咋办?如何换灯泡?浴霸是上海奥普牌的.有单卖浴霸灯泡的地吗?怎么换灯泡?灯泡怎么拧呀?手抓不住灯泡怎么拧呀?