
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:05:11
怎么样能背或记很多英语单词?要怎么样背才能多记点,不至于背多少忘多少? 冥想对记英语单词有好处吗? i won't.come and visit me some 都说小孩学英语要趁早,我哥那小孩都上三年级了,英语还不如幼儿园小朋友,想问下昆明哪里有少儿英语班 小孩子上的幼儿园还没有双语教学,需要给孩子报个少儿英语班吗? 新疆自治区和内蒙古自治区边界相邻么? 新疆维吾尔自治区和内蒙古自治区哪个是西部地区 Come and see us w you have time(w是首字母,要填空) He said he would come to see us 什么 the next afternoon A sometime B some time C sometimesD some times求什么那儿是ABCD中的哪一个(ABCD)后是答案 i come to see you a() time 好的少儿英语机构是什么地方? 条条大道通罗马 英语怎么说 少儿英语该注意什么,在广州哪家的机构好呢? 深圳比较好的少儿英语机构有哪些?我想要深圳最好的几家英语机构排名名单,希望可以为家里的孩子选择一家比较靠谱的.我家孩子现在是5岁,但口语还比较差,只能拼读26个字母而已. “条条大路通罗马”你能解释这句话的出处吗?在现实生活中,它所表达的含义与原意有何区别? 为什么说条条大路通罗马 是新疆有草原还是青藏高原有草原还是西藏有草原 类似PPG大师漆优铂内墙乳胶漆这样全进口的涂料真的比国产涂料好吗? The train has gone You two ___ on time A should come B must have come C ought to have comeD shouldn't have come You must be come to the meeting on time I___ A.must B.have to C.will D.should ——You should have come here to attend his birthday party!All the boys waited a long time....——You should have come here to attend his birthday party!All the boys waited a long time.——I meant______,but Ihad an unexpected guestA.to do B.to 就划线部分提问He should come to school on time.------------- he _______?划线部分是(come to school on time)前面两个空,后面一个空 写成拟人句春天来到了.___________________________滔滔不绝地奔流到大海里._________________________________ 动词加后缀ist有什么用 国内有没有好的少儿英语机构啊?麻烦推荐一些比较国际化的我想挑选一家好的少儿英语机构,可以让孩子打好英语基础 在哪里学剑桥国际少儿英语好? 在哪里学剑桥国际少儿英语比较好? 成语:( )马( )花、( )马( )花,一定要不同的 It was not until __arrived home that he remembered his appointment with the lawyer.A.he B.he had请问选什么我记得有个句型是It was not until sb did sth.that sb did sth. 求助左边的植物名称 My parents didn't play cards _____ last night. It takes some time for hot water to come out.这句英语对吗?我想翻译“热水要过一段时间才能出来”或者“热水出来需要一点时间”之类的意思,请问上面的英语语法有问题吗?