
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:18:25
郗当做姓时怎么念是chi还是xi 姓氏中chi字是哪一个? 我有一朋友是买来西亚华人,他名字的罗马拼音写作tee chi hui.请问他的姓是什么?我光知道他的名字叫“智辉”,老家是福建的,不太会写汉字,他会说普通话、广东话和福建话,但是只认识最常用 新浪微博标点符号算字数吗? 怎么才能在微博上发表长点的文章呀 字数多点 什么是微博?怎么写有字数要求么? 小学找规律一组数字,找出其中的规律,并填写完整:1,2,3,4,6,(),12 小学找规律填数,要求说出规律.2,5,9,14,27,( ),44 白话“不用”怎么说?那个字怎么打出来,读音大概是晤赛?我觉得你们都对,但是又不知道选谁比较好,那就投票好了! 难道我不来你们就不用走.用白话怎么说 找规律4、16、8、32、16、()、() 为什么说英语口语时候经常加上just 化学式算字数统计里的字数么 为什么我提问不了了?说我问题字数过多或过少,字数明明在范围内呀!怎么回事? 请问,这提问的规定字数是多少? 东北有句方言叫:比吃(bi chi) Today the world is paying much more attention to,obviously,-----China says and does.A that B Which C What D how 要理由 词根记单词效率高吗? 睿婕是什么意思 (数学)找规律.(说出规律)( (数学)找规律(要说出规律) 换底公式是怎么做的 why do Americans not like to go to hospitals?every American has medicare,they enjoy freemedical treatment,but why are they afraid ofgoing to hospitals?I asked some people who have visited America,they said that their medical care is excellent.But fro Just now i was touched the message,thanks 点点滴滴是什么意思 怎样判断一个句子用不用过去式?最好举个列子说明一下 英语翻译This land has been ruined by federally approved water projects such as dams built in violation of the rarely enforced law passed in 1934.According to this law all projects to modify a body of water can be carried out only after a through 请帮忙翻译这一小段它可能是全日本对足球最为狂热的城市了.值得骄傲的是他们为联赛输送的球员比日本其他任何一个城市都多.静冈足球协会共有1300个球队约四万名球员,有两支联赛球队. 下面那个句子为什么用had?是过去式吗?搞不清楚、In a word,if I had a million dollars,I would do everything I want to do. 英语翻译No it wont be ok?I dont think language will be a problems as long as there is element of communication ok all will be fine ok,we all learn from each other i look forward to be your future friend some one you can talk to,someone you can sh 英语翻译操第三子曹植,爱修之才,常邀修谈论,终夜不息.操与众商议,欲立植为世子,曹丕知之,密请朝歌长吴质入内府商议;因恐有人知觉,乃用大簏藏吴质于中,只说是绢匹在内,载入府中.修知 犒赏的反义词同近义词