
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:33:40
关于after 的用法eg,after discussion,the supplier agrees with us to do that.这样说行吗?eg,after discussing,the supplier agreed with us to do that.eg,after dicusssed,the supplier agreed with us to do that.这样说行吗?尤其是第一个. 求after 的用法.Twenty year later ,After twenty year ,Twenty years late ,After twenty years 哪个语法用得对?错了错了。所有的later 全是 after 对不起,我打错了啊 this kind of car () made in shanghai.A is B are Cwere D has为什么? This kind of balloons are made ____________in the form of animals.A,of B,from C,by D,in选择一个 我日日夜夜在考虑这个问题 用day and night造句 day and night的造句是什么? 英语连词造句sometimes,day,work,in,night,at,the,I,sometimes,and, 修改病句:上课铃响了,热闹的教师顿时平静下来. 我们班纪律很差 上课铃响了 教室里还是乱哄哄的 还有人离开座位讲小话 老师上课说一句话 同学就附和一句怎么办 关于after的用法after+时间段为什么用于一般过去时,例如They started working after a week.started是过去时,为什么要这么用?这句话是将来要做的 "what kind of shoes is made of bananas skins"英语猜谜 “what kind of shoes is made of bananas skins?" what types of 后面接名词复数还是单数?what kind/sort of what make of what kind of is the airbus made of?matter material thing state We don′t have English on Monday ____ Thursday.是用 or 还是and 重点是为什么 1.There is____ nice bookcase in my room.2.I can't____anything,because it is dark.3.-What do we have for lunch?-I buy____chicken form the market near our home.4.-How often do you____your teeth?-Twice a doy.5.-Why do you____the car.-Because I need a lo We have English (on Monday ,Wednesday ,and Friday.)把 We have English (on Monday ,Wednesday ,and Friday.)对括号里德内容提问 There ——enough room in the bus,It is very crowded 硅与水反应生成什么?(别给我说是王八汤) 硅和水反应吗? 硅和水生成什么? 硅与二氧化碳与水的反应错了是一氧化碳 谁知道What do you say when you give,pass or throw something to someone?的中文意思? Something you will realize only when you do it,when you make mistakes or whe是什么意思?Something you will realize only when you do it,when you make mistakes or when you grow up给个准确的意思,谢谢!怎么回答都不一致啊?到底那 She will have an english classs on Friday.(一般疑问句) We have English games 变否定句和一般疑问句并做回答 Pretty boy 的中英文歌词 遇水则清,遇火则明(打一字) 遇火则明,遇水则清——打一字 after!用法!看到一条公益广告 是family(家)把它拆分为:father after mother I love you我很想知道after在这句话中的意思,为什么不用and?而翻译出来还是爸爸妈妈我爱你? 字谜:遇水则清,遇火则明 遇火则明,遇水则清灯谜 遇水则清,遇火则明,什么字呀?