
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:31:00
古埃及图特摩斯三世的上一任女法老为何也被称为埃及艳后? though we are in the same class,we_______ talk and know little about each otherA actually B gradually C exactly D frequently 假设中国的夏朝军队与古埃及图特摩斯三世法老的军队进行了交战,你们估计谁会赢?理由是什么呢? 英语投诉信(严重).开头用什么称呼?Dear Sir or Madam是不是有点不恰当 化学检验工具体做什么工作 她是漂亮的 如何划分句子成分? here with you 要MP3格式的 asher book 版本 做空间背景音乐 694936203@qq .com 做空间背景音乐要MP3地址链接啊 Would you like VCD of Japan cartoons.错在哪? you,a,like,of,would,VCD,cartoons,japanes(?)怎么连词成句 I'd like a VCD of_____(Japan)cartoons.关键词是什么理由是什么 请问they are having lesson如果主语改为she的话要变is hasing 是having不用变 she is having lesson She is piaying sports.请改为复数句 英语翻译要最准确的答案! 英语翻译不知道这对于你们难不难,会就告诉一下吧, It is attracting a lot of attention and curiosity.作文中这样写对吗?如果不对怎样改? his new book is ______(attractive) a lot of attention Did you watch the ______(live) broadcast? 英语阅读题技巧..细节也说下..能拿1分是一分 八年级下册英语She makes a living by piaying sports(同义句替换) She plays sports_______________ 被称为"书圣"的古代书法家为 英语阅读理解 A student is learning to speak British English.He wonders (想知道):Can I communicate with Americans?Can they understand me?Learners of English often ask:What are the differences between British and American English?How important 东晋书法家是谁 英语阅读理解题目 不难The other day I asked a group of my students how they like to learn English.The first person to speak up was Max.This was no surprise—unlike many Hong Kong students,Max has never been reluctant to speak.“I like to l beef怎么读 8种食物,例如:beef 牛肉 Mr Smith can speak ________ Chinese,but not ________.A.some; much B.a little; many C.some; any D.little; much Today is my turn for the morning traffic duty .I leave home for school an hour earlier than usual.如何翻译? beef in hot pot怎么读 Ground Beef是什么牛肉 下图是花园的平面图,它的面积是?((只要答案+单位, 下图为一个长方形花园的平面图,请量出相关数据(去整厘米数),并计算出这个花园的实际面积是多少平方米. 下图是一个小区花园平面图,其中白色部分要种红色的花,额阴影部分要种黄色的花,已知每平方米可以种50株花,个花坛里能种黄色花多少株?(单位:米) The museums were really interesting,_____ very crowded.