
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:44:48
as...as possible结构中,省略号处何时用形容词何时用副词When we speak to people,we should be_______.空白处是用as polite as possible还是用as politely as possile? Maybe I'm just a disaster,fell so sorry 中文是什么? Just so-so, at that time是什么意思呢?谢谢你帮助我! at that time等于什么? at that time是指一个准确的时刻吗?可以用于什么时态? 英语翻译在漫画中看到“How are you doing?”,这句子怎么翻? “1把”英文应该怎么说合适. How are you?与How do you do?和How are you doing?的区别是什么?请问"How do you do?"与"How are you?"和"How are you doing?"的区别, 求how are you doing歌词http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?word=mp3,[how+are+you+doing]&cat=0&gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,how+are+you+doing&si=;;;;0;;0&lm=-1&mtid=5&d=3&size=943718&attr=0,0&titlekey=2491783157,2179699096&mtype=0 就是这个 英语语音音标与汉语音标的区别英语音标用汉语音标读 英语口语一直不好,特别是发音方面的,求指导…… 英语时态语态,选什么?japan's population was largest in 2006.it_to fall below 100 million by the middle of this century.Ais expe cted Bis expecting Chas expected Dwill be expected 英语作文速度 用英语说 我不适合你 怎么说? who are you and how old are you? who are you and how old r 翻译成中文 "我不适合你"用英文怎么说呢? how old are you的最佳回答是什么 我们不适合在一起!英文怎么说? let sb·do let sb doing有什么区别?那have sb do 和have sb done 我们英语教材上有一句let everone dancing 是let us to do还是let us do 英语let us not do 还是let us do not do 给理由 谁能回答我这几句英语口语的中文意思1.i scored it! score在这里的意思2.dude有没有感叹的意思,如果有是什么意思呢?3.they wouldn't leave you hanging. 这句的意思4.school gets in the way of evertthing 这句什么 英语的比如说什么For后面加doing什么like后面可以加doing也可以加to do 还有什么let后面加do,这些都有什规律吗?如果没有那怎么记呢?我们老师讲的根本听不懂,我问我们班学习好的学生,他们说一 有let sb doing let sb to do 的用法吗 具体是? 我有一些英语口语不知道中文意思,请帮我翻译并告诉我用法行么``1.it just depends2.each at one time3.one by one time4.one at a time5.I'd rather not6.I should think so7.Will that be all right8.go head9.yes,indeed10.so what11not 魔兽世界3.2.2安装时勾选的中文界面英语语音什么意思,怎么切换 My brother is tiding his room.对is tiding 提问 still there 的中文意思是什么 反义疑问句:如果是祈使句Don't do .反义疑问句应该用什么呢 STILL SO翻译成中文是什么意思?