
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:52:02
It can cause problems where we are least aware. What is loneliness?A man is alone.What is lonely?Think a person is alone.What is loneliness?No 间接引语Ana said:"i have a problem."Ana__us that she had a problem.这里填told还是asked?是祈使句吗? when bird watchers find a nest they are very careful not to disturb it lest the mother bird___frightened and desert it.A,should be B,will be C,would be D,could be改选哪一个答案? She will sing. 改为谓语be goingto、shall you should retrun the digital camera to Sally () she will not be angry为什么填so that,如何翻译呀? “I can not put up with you one person alone to but a painful one to like,have courage let person that know emotion of you alone than this.请说的明白点最好 They work up to find everything around changed.为什么用changed,和用changing有什么区别么, Do not let me alone a person.我就想知道这句话有问题咩.如果有,怎么改? They also carry pocket-pianner around to keep everything on time Businesses throw around the term to show they’re on the cutting edge of everything from technology they worked around the clock ,making it possible for everything to go smoothly.的翻译,有什么短语 The boy is afraid( ) his mother about it .She will be angry with him.A of tell B to telling C to tell 请问选什么 Cindy is 50kg now.She will be 60kg in five years.换一种说法 -----Where is Mother?------She _______(go) shopping.She will be back in 30 minutes. to an great man ever after可以表达献给最伟大的人吗那可以表示为以后一直都是伟大的人吗~不一定要最~ great man Zhou Shafeng is He give up himself help others.How 还是What a 带上原因. 老大用英文怎么说问下英语俚语的高手,“老大”这个词用英语怎么说啊,这里的老大就是指的那种黑社会上的大哥或者是美国部队里面说的那种老大.看到有人回答是BOSS,除了BOSS还有什么说 A let B do sth变为被动语态,是B be let do sth还是B be let to do sth Students like collecting s____________ I like Tokyo( )(a lot,a lot of,a bit of,a few) She shall play the piano tomorrow.对不 He the old woman across the road .And she was really thankful.A.took B.brought C.carried 两个马是什么字 莎士比亚他是( )著名的戏剧家和诗人连一连燕翻玉剪穿红雨 喜临农家院院春冬去犹留诗意在 鸟语飘林鸟知春花香满院花觉趣 春来身入画图中春到山乡处处喜 莺掷金梭破绿烟 请回答:(1)莎士比亚代表作是什么?他是什么时期的著名戏剧家?(2)牛顿作出了哪些贡献?被称作为什么?(3)亚当.斯密的思想被称为自由主义,与他同时代(18世纪)在思想领域还提倡一 The is hard to get into,bat harder to get out of是什么意思 Love is hard to get into,but harder to ger out Love.is.hard.to.geti.nto.but.harder.to.get.out. Love is hard to get into,but harder to getout don't try to teach your grandma to suck eggssuck