
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:02:51
什么动物有自我保护的作用,它是怎样保护自己的? 体会落花生的品格告诉我们什么做人的道理 1.______number of students in our class is 56,including______number of Japanese srudents.A.the;the B.A;the C.A;a D.The;a2.Women used to do fewer hard jobs than men,but now they are doing just_______.A.as many B.too many C.as much D.too much3.Clinton_ the number of the students in our class is fifty.为什么students前面加the we often watch a football match on sunday afternoon.用Mr smith替换We改变句型 一个圆锥的体积与一个长方体的体积相等.一个圆锥的体积与一个长方体的体积相等.长方体长6分米,高4分米.已知圆锥的高于长方体的高之比是3:4,求圆锥的底面积是多少. 求解,小学六年级反比例数学题:圆锥的体积一定,它的底面积和高成反比例吗?要说出为什么成反比例,或者为什么不成反比例 圆锥的体积与圆锥的什么有关?一小时之内回答 I spend much time ________(practise) playing football every day. 蜡烛课后第三题 八(上) 3.《蜡烛》 课后习题 三.(要范文呀)我要的是范文呀. 德语数字0到9怎么读? I often watch football games (改为一般疑问句) -------your father often ----- football matches?(watch)When ------Tom and his parents ------ up every day?(get)ONE of the twins -------(be) always late for school.If you ---------(not be)busy,please come to help me. I'd rather watch football matches on TV .(改为否定句) I_____ ____ ____watch football matches on TV 蜡烛 视频和课后习题答案那里有? 蜡烛课后第三题答案 底面半径3分米 高5分米求圆锥的体积 底面半径是3分米,高是2分米,求圆锥的体积 我连着读了9天,所以一直都不在 求翻译 底面半径8分米,求圆锥的体积 动九天,藏九地,分秋色,难进取.0--9猜三个数 底面半径为5分米 的圆锥的体积是多少(把步骤写出来) 开学倒计时九天英文怎么读 南极洲什么时候被冰雪覆盖从什么时候(具体时间)开始南极变成今天看到的这样 CH2=CH-CH=CH2----> 箭头上是HBr 箭头下是1,4-加成 写出反应式 西蒙诺夫蜡烛全部课后练习题怎么解答 PhCH=CH-CH=CH2和HBr反应生成什么? your password entries did not match Password not match the criteria是什么意思 two user password fields do not Login Failed.Invalid user name and password combination