
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:46:25
he is very like his mother对么?very可以修饰介词? 英语翻译disaggregation 这是生产计划中使用的,所以比较专业 东汉建立时什么世纪如题 谁建立了东汉?说说东汉的历史 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 要表达避免某人做某事,怎么办呢? 信鸽是怎样送信的?我很好奇信鸽是怎样送信的呢?它又不知道送信人所要送的地方,它又怎样懂得呢?它又不会听人话吖.它又怎样回信呢/我很想知道吖, 英语40字作文. The growth of________急! 东汉是谁建立的 问两个关于非谓语动词的题Would you please___before coming in?A.knock B.to knock C.knocking D.to be knocked 为什么选A?B和C错在哪里了?The last man___the burning house was the head of the fireman.A.left B.being left C.having left D. 我想问几道关于非谓语动词的题目1.The sun ____,the farmers were busy getting in the rice.A.rose B.being risen C.rising D.had risingKey:CQ:为什么不选D?"getting in the 2.The price of food kept _____ in those days.A.to have risen B.bei 东汉王朝是谁建立的啊? avoid和avert的区别?请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来, 东汉王朝的建立者是谁啊? 我这两句英文写的有语法错误么?If you were to stand in front of me,I would slap you in the face.I shall slap you in the face should you stand in fron of me. 两句英文自己写的,高手查看有木有语法错误.After struggling just to realize our own inner.Growth is always have to lerated,always going to learn to enjoy the inevitable pain. 农村小规模养牛,牛粪牛尿怎么处理?特别是牛尿,直接排在外面太臭. 为什么狗粪是臭的而牛粪不臭 城市牛哞作者为什么会对牛粪这种很臭的东西产生美好的感觉 周公解梦---梦到踩牛粪,满地都是大大的牛粪... The role of Bamboo in the community?(竹子在群落中起到的作用)问题就是竹子在群落中起到了什么作用, In the cultivation of natural produces clivnate plays a decisive role.判断题,大家觉得是对还是错呢?里面的词都是对的,所以大家不用觉得词有错,最重要是觉得这题是对还是错的, In the cultivation of natural produces clivnate plays a decisive role 判断题 对还是错 东汉哪年建立的? Wells is one of the editors who always (take,takes) a leading role in (his,their) community这题到底是选单数还是复数?语法教程的答案书上说takes/his 或take/their都可以并且是Informal的用法我非常不理解.我认为第一 In their usual outdoor s_. physical exercises_outdoor or indoor Hymn to 蒋介石政权在被逐出联合国时,有何表态?比如声明什么的. 今年 这个词用英文咋写/qiuzhu led灯的色温由哪些因素决定?一般warm white ,natural white or cool white 都是在多少之间的? it feels like 后加什么词性的词或句子?它有什么用法.后跟to还是doing? 百暮大三角是怎么形成的