
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:52:33
在酒吧听到一首慢摇歌曲.,女生唱的,歌词中好像有 why you don't believe me.有人知道嘛?不是很快的那种,女生的声音不细.说错了.是 why don't u believe me Don't you believe me?回答Yes ,I do.表示什么? I don't believe you 歌曲心语这歌我很想明白想表达的是些什么?有共鸣的人请给我答案,万分感激.详细点好么.真的谢谢了.No I don't believe you ,when you said don't come around here no more ,I won't remind you ,you sa i always feel that i find someone and i do believe that you are the one sina^2+2sinc^2=2cosa,y=sina^2+sinc^2的最大和最小值 sina^2=-2cosa,求a我算了半天a=0但是不对啊, The thing that you can't get is always the best!请大家告诉下我这句话的意思. sinA=2-2cosA求sinA? I know the best things---that's you are always in my heart! sina=2cosa 3sina+2cosa who do not fall into that category are not as bad off as they tend to believe怎么翻译 All that glitters is not gold.和All things are difficult before they are easy. 纯净水和电解水哪种水好? 1.电解水时,不用纯水而用稀氢氧化钠溶液,是因为氢氧化钠溶液中含有较多的自由游动的离子 2.某同学把一个生鸡蛋分别放在食盐水和自来水里,根据鸡蛋浸液体里体积的大小来区分哪个对?为 如图,点p是反比例函数y=k/x(k不等于0)图像上的一点,过点P作PA垂直ox,PB垂直OY,A,B为垂足,矩形PAOB的面积等于3,求此反比例函数的解析式. 造句:含辛茹苦.造句:风尘仆仆.风餐露宿.汗马功劳 Shit and fuck what is the difference? 如图 点a (m,m+1)B(m+3,m-1)都在反比例函数y=k/X的图象上.X轴上是否存在一点P,使得PA+PB的值最小求P点 用风尘仆仆造句100来字 一次函数y=kx+2图象与反比例函数y=m/x的图象交于点p,点p在第一象限.PA垂直x轴于点A,PB垂直y轴于点B.一次函数的图象分别交x轴、y轴于点C、D,且S△PBD=4,OC/OA=1/2 英语阅读题:i was the middle child of three…i was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either said,and i hardly saw my father before i was eight.…… the child of three years old doesn't know there___(be)seven days in a week There are a lot of ____(policeman)in the bank.My uncle has three ____(child).I have too much ____(homework)to do today.The thief has two___(knife)in his pocket .I have some ____(photo)of my friend Jim.you should clean your____(tooth)every day.we have they are in middle of their three-day meeting there 什么意思. 剑桥少儿英语预备级考级考什么啊? 剑桥少儿英语考级要求要包括(读写、听力、口语) 请详细一点 2010年剑桥少儿英语考级在宁波哪里考?具体时间?报名费多少? 剑桥少儿英语如何考级的? 造句,1.五花八门 2.风尘仆仆 各造一个句子. 一只青蛙在一直线上从o点开始,第一次向右跳1个单位长度,第二次向左跳2个单位长度,第三次向右.一只青蛙在一直线上从o开始,第一次向右跳1个单位长度,第二次向左跳2个单位长度,第三次向右 在平面直角坐标系中,一只青蛙从点A(-1,0)处向右跳2个单长度,再向上跳2个单位长度到点A'处,则点A'的坐标为多少? 在一条直线上的点A处有一只电子青蛙,它从A点开始先向左跳1个单位长度,接着向右跳3个单位长度,然后向左跳5个单位长度,接着向右跳7个单位长度,然后向左跳9个单位长度,如此类推,则青蛙第20