
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:15:16
Do you think surfing on the Intrernet can help you?And how?拜求! I have as much homework as ___ today 理由I have as much homework as ___ todayhe him his 选哪个 人教版高中英语必修1有配套磁带吗?还有配套的光盘里面是什么内容,我家电脑没光驱啊 人教版高中英语的课文磁带是美音还是英音? It's better to be alone than to be with someone you're not happy to be with. we often have lessons with the windows open中文 He often sleeps with the door___and the window___.A.cloae; open B.closed; opened C.closing; opening; D.closed; open为何选D不选B, is, thirty, ciass, students, are , there, our(连词成句) He left the classroom with all the windows _.空白是填open还是close? he sleeps with eyes open wide中为什么不在眼睛前加the, 论语十则怎么解释? "Let me help you with your English."Jane said to John.(tell)变为间接引语 RT.高中生适用的.(最好是英音的)谢谢~ 高中英语要听什么磁带好 我有全套高中英语磁带,有朗读带和听力带 急求高中英语必修一单词磁带583738269 it is during his spare time that john has been studying a course in french的如何翻译 One summer morning,Amy took her 1 out for a walk.(1)A.babies B.baby C.dogs完形填空 not have 怎么加ing.快我急用.你们是猪啊!对不起打错字了! 1.There are tow blenders on the table.(就划线部分提问) How__ __are there on the table?I like the book ‘ because it is interesthing.(对划线部分提问)___ ___you like the book? Could l watch the football match? (做肯定回答)__ 找出下列句子的错误并改正 there are tow cups of teas on the table2.How many mutton do you want 3.Do you like ice cream yes ,I do.i like them very much .4.can I help you i"d like to buy tow pairs of shoe for my twin daughters .5.my sister w 狂背单词.然后多看英文报纸和文章.应该在书写和阅读方面有很大帮助吧. three years after 和after three years 区别? in和after都表示时间时有什么不同ex:In the three years After three 1what do you mean by saying that 中的BY可用with 或者for代替吗,2i went to beijing by plane for the first time when i was 20,这里为什么不可以用with ,我感觉用witn的意思要比for更好啊,3she can get so much fun with reading这 mango的复数 描写人物品德的一段话 现在会不会英语是不是很重要? 我可迷茫,想学吧没时间,也没耐心~~~~ 晕撒. 论语十则解释子曰,吾十有五而志于学.七十而从心所欲,不逾矩.子曰,衣敝蕴袍与衣狐貉者立,而不耻者,其由也与?工欲善其事,必先利其器。子贡问曰,乡人皆好之,何如?子曰,未可也 Hardly ___________ the papers on his desk when the door burst open.A.he collected B.he had collected C.did he collect D.had he collected选出答案并请说明原因,那为什么要用过去完成时呢? 描写景物的一段话 200字! 描写景物的一段话xxXZXXZXZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadsdwerr