
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:03:20
英语四级过了又报名了咋办? 四级没过怎么办 英语翻译Northern ireland is the fourth region of the United Kingdom和Northern ireland is a fourth region of the United Kingdom翻译有什么差异,为什么,不懂, 英语翻译The availability of free work place parking is generallyconsidered to have a significant influence on car use forwork trips.Managing work place parking has thereforebeen examined as a demand management measure to seewhat its p 英语翻译再见了我的网友们 这句话的英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译把网友这个词翻译成英文.可以翻译么?- 都没人.. 英语翻译A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is,for the most part,but the world of his thoughts.求问这句话的语法结构和怎样理解它的意思更确 英语翻译 一个英语被动语态选择题.Why was he stand outside the door?He ------ by the teacher.A was asked B asked C was asked to D was asked for正确答案是D问句那个是standing,打错了、、、 一道有关被动语态的英语选择题~Our classroom-____everyday and ____clean and tidy.A is cleaned; keptB is cleaned; keeps 一道英语被动语态选择题He ________ cross the street.A.seesB.saw ...toC.was seenD.was seen to 反方向的钟 英文怎么说不要说the clock in the opposite derection ...不要逐字逐句翻译有意境一点 老外一看就觉得很厉害的要当专辑的名字可以翻译成逆时针的钟 这之类的 反方向的钟前面怎么读ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏ ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏㄐ ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏ ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌ 麻烦打罗马拼音二楼你靠你妈啊,弱智罗马拼音都不知道,有本事你用 周杰伦反方向的钟开头说的是什么?一堆不是中国字的东西, 英语四级,我该怎么办今年的四级成绩出来了,我很郁闷,考了423分,就差两分没过!别人都过了~同学建议我下回考六级!大家帮我出出主意!我咋办? 英语四级该怎么办啊 我的英语四级该怎么办啊?还有68天了,复习时间够吗,我该怎么复习啊,听力和阅读不太好,做题速度慢.怎么提高呢?我阅读总是做5个错四个,晕死了,谁能救救我啊! 四级该怎么办啊 像我这样的四级该怎么办啊?我的成绩总分:380听力:135阅读:121综合:49写作:75这是我08年12月四级成绩, 更慢一点用英语怎么说A.more slowly a bitB.slowly a bit moreC.a bit more slowlyD.slowly more a bit 慢一点!我跟不上你 用英语怎么说 慢一点你会更好英语怎么说 "请说得慢一点"英语怎么说 那些钥匙是我们的.用英语翻译,有三种翻译 有关英语中被动语态的选择题,请说明原因.______by guards with guns,they raised their legs in union and made their way to the edge of the highway,Interstate 65.65号洲际公路被持枪的警卫们守着,他们迈着整齐的步调走 英语翻译A:Would you like to have a shower?B:It's OK. 关于英语被动语态的选择题Today the forests have almost gone.People must( ) down too many trees.A.stop from cutting B.stop to cut C.be stopped from cuttingD.be stopped to cut为什么选C呢,主语是people呀 就是选A为什么不行呢 英语四级咋办啊 用"乐利"的发音,拼写一个英文名. 什么英文名和家文发音一致? 没有过四级咋办?今年签的中建一局,三方已经签好了,补充协议上说要有四级成绩单,我没有啊,咋办?要不要办一张?你们懂得.还是去的时候直接说没有四级成绩单?没有的话单位会要我吗? 明天考四级,