
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:18:48
you don't know 中文 you don't How does this word spell? Can you bring some photos for us to-----?A:to look at B:to look at it C:to look D; looking at It will have some influences to local culture ,u know bring some ...这里U KONW 可不可以直接跟BRING如果语法错误,应该如何修改, It looks very nice on you.I’ll ---it.横线上应该填 A.buy B.bring C.give D.some 如何防止不锈铁抛光高温不变色我有一个产品,不锈铁材料,抛光后高温变黄,求教:是否是抛光蜡的问题,如果是是否有不变色的抛光蜡?有什么办法解决? 求英语小作文the future world in fiftieths需求初三水平,80个词~100个词~包括3句复合句..本人实在想不出是啥样子..所以大家帮帮忙拉 linken park 简介谁能具体介绍下林肯公园这个乐队~ 英语翻译 英语翻译你只需要把林肯公园唱的歌名翻译就好了,是所有的歌,你们回答我的问题会有惊喜 英语翻译回味永恒经典的奇迹1.0D版,享受充满神秘的加点艺术.在这个虚拟的世界中,寻找一份真挚的友谊.在激情的勇者大陆寻找一个他,或在浪漫飘逸的仙踪林寻找一个她...---------这一切的一 He is a nice person to____get on with B.come up with C.catch up with D.look up in Nice People,Nice Places是什么意思 why do u know my name The lions are u____.We don't like them 饼干苏打,曲奇,全麦,全脂,还有脱脂牛奶又是什么意思? have a nice day.my Write 990056 to 3 significant figures数学题(国外大学的) 求歌名.英文歌.歌词只记得有I M TRY TO TRY TO WANT YOU KNOW write these times in figures什么意思2这里的in是什么意思,figures是什么意思 阅读理解,Big cities are quite similar in the world.……Big cities are quite similar in the world.Living in modern Asian city is not very different from living in an American city.The same can not be said about living on farms,however.In many pa our country and our cities are so perfect in the world. There are many roads in our home town _______(connect) to the cities around our country.我觉得用connecting,可答案却是connected, 对划线提问Later he left home to work in different cities in the countryLater he left home to work in different cities in the country划线句为“to work in different cities in the country”_______ _______ he ______ home later for? So the cities must reach out to the clean countryfor water,There,the rain falls through air onto trees and grass,The fallen rain run into rivers and lakes.So it is import to keep both cities and the country clean.翻译成汉语 英语作文 Future Pens110词左右,笔杆有微型电脑,笔杆上配有屏幕,遇到不会的字,对着屏幕读一下它就会显示出来,坐姿不对会提醒你,写错子会发出警告,并把对的字显示在屏幕上 I Started A Joke adopt和adapt是什么意思 Lewis-I Could Be The One的汉语翻译 求教英语问题 adapt 和 adopt 用法 adapt,adept,adopt这三个单词我总有弄晕,怎么才能记住它们的意思哦,或者或造一句话,里面有这三下面的答案都是在字典里面直接搬过来的,5555,我说的是把三个词语造在一句话里面