
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:06:56
She is ______ than ______.A.buiser/us B.buiser/we C.more busy/us D.more busy/we 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题!1、 “Who is eligible for the scholarship?” “Anyone ________ scholastic record is above the average can apply for the scholarship.” A.who has a B.has a C.who’s a D.whose 2、 Dr.Sales is a person __ 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(4)!31、 “Bill Frazer seems like a good person for the job,but we don’t know why he left his last job.” “I know why.He told me ________ a serious policy disagreement with his boss last January.” A.i 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(2)!11、 That book is by a famous anthropologist.It’s about the people in Samoa ________ for two years.A.that she lived B.that she lived among them C.among whom she lived D.where she lived among them 12、 (7/11加13/5)乘55最后等于多少? 35.We visited him ____ when he was in hospital.A.every other days B.each other day C.every other day D.every two day 这道题答案是C但是为什么不能选B I did't buy the bananas,they gave them to me for______A.noting B.everything C.anything D.something怎么翻译阿? Evidence came up_____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A) what B) which C) that D) whose麻烦大家看看选哪个,这句话的翻译是什么, 64和36的最大公因数 黄河源矿物质水和一般的纯净水有什么区别? 纯净水和矿物质水有什么区别? 大家帮忙做个英语选择题帮个忙,谢谢.1、You must be well-_____ in business language if you want your report to be noticed.a. versatile b. vested c. versed2、The web development project has been unsuccessful thus far, so we 1、I suddenly realized that he was trying to ( )quarreling with me.A)consider B)enjoy C)avoid D) prevent2、Five sections( )the examination.A)consist of B)are composed of C)constitute D)comprise of 3、Computers have been applied ( )almost every f 活化矿物质水和纯净水有什么区别我想买个美的出的RO净水器,同一款苏宁说出的是纯水,中美说出的是活化矿物质水,也不知道那种水更适合饮用。盼赐教, 45+46+.+54+55=?为什么是(45+55)*2分之11啊? -46/3+[-55/3]+103/4 山泉水和矿物质水有什么区别? 纯水机制水多久后水才可以喝? 婴儿喝自来水好,还是喝净化水好,还是电解水好? 喝净化水对人体有好处吗谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 喝什么样的水对身体有好处?是纯水,是纯净水,是矿物质水,还是其他的水? 喝净化水对身体有害处吗我经常喝净化水我想知道害处大吗 纯水如何做成富含氧气的纯水?富含氧气的纯水对人体有何好处? 求助英语首字母填空题1.If you go to a park,please buy the t____ first2.Please c____ the map of China blue 英语首字母填空题目air is everywhere around us.hot air is very (l ).and some early (b )used hot air.you have seen hot (s )rising overa fire.the hot air takes it up.some ballons carried the fires under them,then they took 英语翻译1.He works in a computer c_________ not far from his home.2.After leaving school John went to a c_______ in London.3.Which is the quickest r_______ from London to New York?4.The t_______ is usually busy at this time.5.Have you made your _ 喝纯净水对身体对身体有什么危害? 英语填空题 急 喝直饮水对人体有害吗?刚安了个直饮水水设备,同学(一傻子)说喝直饮水对人体有害,真的有害吗? 英语选择题一道要原因1.Mrs.King kept weighing herself to see how much________she was getting.A.the heavier B.the heaviest c.heacy D.heavier While Midori was a girl,she could hum songs and difficult _______music.A.a piece ofB.pieceC.pieces ofD.the piece of主要是原因啊