
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:37:50
什么是同向反义疑问句 What shall i do 假设你叫Mike.今天你在网上看到这张帖子.请根据帖子的内容给与回答,80-100词.Post:what shall i do posted by a worried mother on 09/01/09Anybody here I have a 10-year-old daughter.She is lovely and clever .but s ---was said at the meeting is important.A:what B:which C:that What I should do等于什么 Do you remember what he ___ at the meeting yesterday?A .has said B .said 反义疑问句怎么做 i still remember what our teacher said three years ago为什么用what do you still remember what your headmasted _______at yesterday 's meeting?A,toldb,talkedC,spokeD,collecting 已知y=(a-1)x的a平方是反比例函数,则它的图象在第二四象限.为什麼是在第二四象限而不是一三? What should I do Our teacher gave a (r )on her tirp to Beijing at the meeting yesterday首字母填空 帮我看看两道数学题,初二的1.一个水池的容积是90m³,现在水池中用一定量的水,如果保持一定的速度向水池中进水,那么1小时后水池中有水15m³,5小时后水池中有水35m³.(1)写出水池 这道题怎么做【反义疑问句】1,he hasn't paid for the school things,has he?【no,he hasn;t,】his father will pay for him2,he has paid for the school things,hasn't he?【 】his father won;t pay for him1和2有什么区别,2该怎么答 what shall i do 和what should i do 意思 Our teacher told us the ____ story I had ever heard at yesterday's class meeting. (sadly) 语法书上:反义疑问句 当陈述句谓语动词为,实意动词,助动词时,疑问句需要重复这些词,但是:It must be fun,_______?应该填isn't it 我们老师给出的解释是must表猜测,我想知道,这里的must是不是情 what else should I do什么意思 Our English teacher taught us the English song in class yesterday.被动的两种说法 抄检大观园中表现出惜春,迎春怎样的思想性格特征? 简述晴雯的性格特点 初二两道不是很复杂的数学题,麻烦快点,谢谢(要过程)1.如图MN-9.,正方形ABCD的边长为a,E是BC边上一点,且AE=8,F是BD上一动点,AF=FC设折线EFC的长为b,求b的最小值,并说明此时点F的位置.2.如图MN-8, 《培根随笔》读后感500字 DID YOU ENJOY ____(PLAY)BASKETBALL 培根随笔读后感500字左右 求培根随笔读后感500字 do you play the Mike draw a picture on the backboard.(反义疑问句)Mike draw a picture on the backboard,( )( 关于反义疑问句People should pay attetion to the environmrntal problem,________? 谢啦,反义疑问句,必谢 晴雯怎么被赶出了大观园?为什么抄检大观园? MATLAB 如何赋值 画实部虚部图像 画图clearclcsyms a j k n u e A y in=4,a=1,e=1for k=1:1:nfor j=1:1:nif(k==j)A(k,j)=0else A(k,j)=0endendendfor k=1:1:nfor j=n+1:1:n+nif(k==j-n)A(k,j)=1else A(k,j)=0endendendfor j=1:1:nfor k=n+1:1:n+nif(k-n==j 跪求两篇读书笔记和一篇读后感500字左右太长绝不采纳,如果好的话必有重赏!谢..