
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:51:16
英语…第六题 谁把龙卷风歌词翻译成英语, There's something wrong with my computer .I'll have it ___ tomorrow. some gifts were to herSome gifts were ____ on her ____birthday.A.for her,ninthB.to her,ninethC.for her,nineD.to her,ninth重点分析下第一个空, 为什么东方哲学跟西方哲学差不多同时发源? some some percentages were rounded 以我的班级为题写一篇英语作文(五至六句)我班43人女生19男生24六(2)班 宝山钢铁厂的厂址选在上海的有利和不利条件有哪些 床垫弹簧钢丝有几种?哪种的好 哪些机械行业需要不锈钢弹簧? 床垫钢丝是不锈钢的还是铁的? I put insome water(用he改写句子 different ways of life的中文意思 It's too late to go out now 是哪种英语简单句基本类型 You can enjoy your school life _____different ways.A.in.B.by.C.use D.with 求分析 英语翻译 是they both have 还是they are both have还有一个are the boys in blue 还是are the boys in blues they both have 还是they are both have;提问时,是用be动词还是do错了,我说的应该是改为疑问句。 为什么孙中山 对黄花岗起义评价甚高 孙中山为什么能得到如此高的评价题目:在十五大报告中,江泽民回顾一百年来中华民族的的奋斗历程,提出:“一个世纪以来,中国人民在前进道路上经历了三次历史性的巨大变化,产生了三位 拜托大家帮我写篇英文作文 are you ready for tomorrow明天要交了,想不出来要怎么写了大家帮帮忙200字就行 跪求英语作文《Are you ready for tomorrow?》 求助一个英语题:What he said()with what he did. They have different()(look) They have different skin c_____ He can't go sightseeing because the bad weather改错题 关于父爱或母爱的初中记叙文1.有真实感 2.用朴素的语言烘托出伟大的爱 3.平常不起眼的小事(例:盖被子、送奶茶、一句问候) 4.初中作文、符合事实、简洁易懂 5.500字左右 母爱是什么记叙文在你眼里,“母爱”是什么围绕“母爱的内涵”这话题写一篇记叙文 歌颂母爱的初中记叙文包含两个事例,不要复制的,题材新颖. 英语短文填空,希望讲解的细致一点,who ,relative ,answer ,manner,custom ,hang ,whatever ,suppose ,embarrass ,return,clear ,impress 以上是需要填的词内容:Many children like to use the telephone.It's fun to be able to talk to a( I went to see you last saturday( ) there ( ) nobody in the roomA.but,was B.and,were C.and ,was Dbut,is