
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:32:24
My favorite movie is < > < >favorite movies? 70.Be home ________ 8 o’clock on Saturday.A.by B.to C.on D.in71.Students can’t _________ music in the hallways.A.listen B.hear C.listen to D.hear to 72.________ at ten o’clock in the evening.A.Go to bed B.Goes to bed C.Gets up D.Get up 73.A kid Your email entries must match.Please check 【红楼梦】中的【放风筝】文中的大蝴蝶风筝落下来,探春为什么不让拾?他们把风筝放天上后,为什么又拿剪刀铰断风筝线? Pick me up at 8o'clock.I will have finished my work by then.这句话对吗finished 过去式还是分词? Check your email Pick me up at 8o'clock. I will have over my bath by then.这句话对吗 Jet Li is_____actor______the movie.bangbangmangla the same to you The same 后面只能跟to吗?譬如:The same to you,The same for you是不是都行? How he has done has great influence on the development of the factory he has been working in.1.这句话里面有哪些错误啊.2.怎么翻译这句话啊? never think和ever think有什么区别? [介词]the movie是用in还是at? improve their working conditions最后为什么加s The manager tried to improve the company's__but failed.这里选择了figure 为什么不能选feature it takes me 15 minutes ___(get)there 简析民国初期资产阶级革命派在政治制度方面改造中国举措的历史作用如题,谢谢! 20世纪初 中国资产阶级革命派是如何让从国外移来政治制度的?分析该政治制度没能在中国真实发生相当的作用的原因 听美语时怎样分辨 是were还是weren't说得快的时候听起来好像是一样的,因为听不到尾音那怎么区别呢 请各位推荐点好听的英文歌曲 比如格莱美奖的 不过风格要像you are beautiful 那种 或者是no one那种 Please give the cake——. 中,心窗的含义是什么 “心窗”的含义是什么 窗的含义既是什么又是什么 翻译“巴黎卢浮宫是法国的象征” 卢浮宫英语怎么说 "卢浮宫三宝"用英语怎么说 what ___ beautiful furniture!you do have ___ taste in beauty.A.a; the B.不填 ; the C.a; a D.不填 ;a并给点翻译 我可以关上窗户吗?用英语如何说____ I close the window?a.shall b.do c.will d.am四选一 destiny of persona和persona of destiny还有destiny persona分别表达什么意思?请英语好的同学给我解释一下. wings of happinese wings of