
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:37:56
The program was so fascinating that the children kept their eyes ( )on the screenA to fixB to be fixedCfixedDfixing( ) up early in the morning to have a walk ,I am sure,you are likely to feel active all dayA GetB Having gotC GettingD To get 什么时间下雪?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 几道首字母填空1、Did I talk in my sleep?I must have been d_____2、The meal was very o____.There is nothing special.3、They s_____ a wonderful meal to more than fifty students.4、She was u_____ that she had left without saying goodbye.5、I 初三英语竞赛题Why don't we take a little break?Didn’t we just have ______?A it B that C one 1.Your mother is kindness ______.A.itself.B.herself.C.himself.D.myself.为什么选A不选B.2.The glass from bottles can be r______.3.What I do with the money is none of your b_____.4.Road accidents have d______ since then.5.Lunch is s______. 2008年初三英语竞赛试题请问谁有2008年初三(NEPCS)英语竞赛的试题及答案?希望大家能够给准确的哦! 若a>1,设函数f(x)=a的x次方+x-4的零点为m,函数g(x)=㏒ax+x-4的零点为n则m+n的值为 若函数f(x)=x^2+log2|x|-4的零点m∈(a,a+1),a∈Z,则所有满足条件的a的和为 我在办理去加拿大的移民 想问知情者去大使馆面试时是自己带翻译?还是使馆提供翻译人员, 初三英语怎么快速提高成绩啊 one times ten to the eighth 如题, ten to nine意思! Its ten to ten A:nine fifty B"fifty nine C:ten ten 该选什么? 加拿大住家保姆移民我的技术移民申请被退回来了,听说加拿大有个住家保姆项目,将来也是可以移民的,在网上看了一些信息,现在想向内行请教一下这个项目的具体事宜, 加拿大住家保姆最近都问些什么问题? 做用首字母填空 冀教版九年级英语课文第一单元的主题是什么?第一课的呢? 初三英语全国竞赛有哪些 2011初三英语竞赛 英语人教版九年级全一册第一单元课文的问题第一单元A部分的3a有两个句子:Many said they learnt by ueing English.Some student had more specfic suggesions.请问为什么前一句“many”后省略了“student”,而后 英文翻译,“大禹治水的故事更能说明这一点”.求翻译. 大禹治水的启示300字作文 与时代,命运反抗的人物,具有不屈不挠的斗志,最好有实例 人能与命运抗争吗? 求勇于同命运作斗争的人的故事 英语翻译听力都错为什么有的算法还能得100分了 人教版英语九年级《课时作业》答案 翻译一下英语,学霸们Do you like children ? do you have free time in the afternoon? we need ababysitter for our son. He is six years old. hours are Monday to friday,3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. sometiems you will work on the weekend.pay is $4 per ho 英语翻译 与命运抗争的故事感受一定要是与命运抗争的!不要什么名人传,只要神马神马小故事就行了!与命运抗争!否则0分采纳 战胜困难 抗争命运的例子 人教课时达标英语九年级下11单元答案急.在线等,从第三课时开始就可以