
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:25:33
请教几个关于非谓语动词的题目1.____(take) by surprise,the enemy surrendered.2.____(throw) to the floor,the boy regained his footing a few minutes later.3.We have made a point of not ____(attack) unless ____ (attack).4.On ____ (step) out 《 H At Tc .Os As At At Ge Nb .Nb Pu Kr Y Pu Li Os .Zn Li Pu Kr Y U Tl Ag .Ga Os pd PU、PVC、TC布到底所指何物,有什么特性? H At Tc . Os As At Ge Nb . Nb Pu Kr YH At Tc . Os As At Ge Nb . Nb Pu Kr Y Pu Li Os . Zn Li Pu Kr Y U Tl Ag . Ga Os Pd .求学霸翻译!急!化学元素. pu lei ge ruang PU.BR.GY.BK.FS.TL.各是什么颜色 改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答 my sister is tall and heavy 划线部分:tall and heavy 就划线部分提问 noting is impossible to willing a heart ,you are the best mp3 Those children are tall and heavy 对划线部分提问 It is important_________ English.A.learningB.to learnC.having learnedD.to have learnedto learn 我想问下为什么不能用A.learning作主语? combine和unite的区别?最好详尽一点.多谢 生活大爆炸Sheldon:Why are you crying?Penny:Because I'm stupid!这是哪一集 系动词和半系动词分别指什么,是不是动词除了像be这样的系动词就是半系动词了? life likes a tea,but you are not my tea翻译成中文怎么说 you are not my tea sit的反义词是什么 昆仑山什么动物最出名 You should wear your running shoes and b________ food and eater.It's going to be f______ there.首字母填空 walk in your own shoes Nothing is impossible If you my by side!I love so这些英语是什么意思, 这是什么动物,朋友在山上抓到的,有图 外国人常用来表达很好,很棒的词汇! 这是什动物.今天晚上.去山上玩抓到的. I didn't step on your I didn't step on your foot和step on your foot和“脚”是没关系的,如果是机器翻译就先别贴了 foot step什么意思RT 请帮忙翻译以下这句话We are fighting for the freedom for all, regardless of race or belief.详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 下面单位厘米,A点和B点分别把所在的边以1:2分成两段,求阴影部分的面积 那个是求阴影面积 那个是a分之2 she can sing many songs中为什么主语是第三人称单数而sing后面却没有加s呢? WE SHOULD WORK TOGETHER TO FIGHT AGAINST SARS.. 求下列阴影部分的面积 已知下图中正方形的面积是4平方厘米.求下列阴影部分的面积 已知下图中正方形的面积是4平方厘米.