
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:17:47
Dick lent me his dictionary yesterday.同义句装换 I’d like to my dictionary to you.But Allen has it from m A、lend,borrowed B、borrow,lent C、bor 请帖: 谁会写这种请帖啊?送呈、启的?最好能帮我具体写下啊,包括空白地方填什么 如何培养爱心 孕妇B超单子上显示24 W2 D+-或是16 W+3 D 女生不喜欢任何小动物,被说成没有爱心,真是这样吗 He sent me a book 什么是直接宾语 什么是间接宾语 He lent me a book 的同义句 He lent me a book 改写句子: 例如:He lent me a book. 改写成:He lent a book to me.仿照以上句子改写:1、He did me a big favour.2、Pass the mustard to your father. He gave me a book 是不是me是间接宾语 a book是直接宾语 其中a 限定 book吖 the same way 和in the same way 的区别It'll move in the future the same way as they did in the past.可不可以把the same way替换成in the same way .the same way 和in the same way 有什么区别? he was thinking in the same way as i was in the same way 和in the same way as两者的用法是不是相同的?最好能举例说明一下是最好了呵呵 关于爱护小动物的哲理 have been studying过去进行?用法?have been studying是过去进行吗它意思是什么?过去进行的用法? The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River(同义句转换) 初二英语: 1.The old man crossed the river ____(save) in his boat.1.The old man crossed the river______ (save) in his boat. 2.Don't forget_____ (lock) the door when you leave home.3.The big box is_____heave and I can‘t carry it.A.much too B.to ---How long can I borrow the book?----For 2 weeks.(改错:是borrow错,应怎么改?)为什么答案是改成have呢?是不是答案错了呢? 用适当的介词填空The party is ___seven in evening. 英语翻译 根据英文或句意写出单词的正确形式 1.almost the same but not exactly the same是那个单词?( ) 翻译句 英语翻译翻译 the same 为什么撒么前要加the 呢 Treat everybody fair not treat everybody the same怎么翻译? comments on cheating on exams谁会写这片大学英语作文 英语作文:cheating on exams 假如给我三天光明,对两段话的感受知识的力量多么巨大,它能使一个残疾人,变成一个有益于人类、有益于社会的人.假如,我们每一个人,都能像海伦.凯勒一样,在有生之年把对知识的渴求,看 在《假如给我三天光明》一书中最经典的一句话或一段话是什么? 阅读了《假如给我三天光明》这本书,你一定有许多话想说,请拿起笔写下来. ( )we mustn't _____ 0the dirty dishes in the kitchena.leave b.wash c.bring d.cook顺便翻译一下 椋鸠十的简介(用一两句话概括)