
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:28:21
2014年正月能搬家吗?若能,那天搬家好?我是85年农历腊月初十出生,老婆是85年农历二月二十六出生,目前怀孕了,年后就在老家石家庄待产了,预产期在2014年3月5日左右.年后我计划一个人从通州北 Mathild was the one of the persons who was invited to the ball in his officewas the one of the persons +谓语的复数形式? I really sorry 这话有错么 数学初一下册不等式、过程..谢谢...会加分的1.求:3个不等式5x-1>3(x+1),二分之一x-1>3-二分之三x,x-1 英语智力题1)Here is a puzzle.My first is in LAMP but not in LIGHT.My second is in MAY but not in 1)Here is a puzzle.My first is in LAMP but not in LIGHT.My second is in MAY but not in MIGHT.My third is in DART and also in BOARD.My fourth is in S 有的 好像造句要秦陵兵马桶快啊 做上海作业急 函数y=√5-4x-x^2的定义域是 函数y=log3(4x^2-4x+1)的定义域为 用有的 好像 造句 用:有的_______,好像________.造句 有的···好像···造句要关于运动会的要用3个有的好像呦 是校运会 一篇以法制教育为话题的论文 关于算术平均和加权平均你的小测成绩是80分,期末考成绩是90分,老 师要计算总的平均成绩,就按照小测30%、期末成绩70%的比例来算,所以你的平均成绩是:80×30%+90×70%=87(加权平均) 算术平均 词语补充,空格里填字!修( )炼( ) ( )尽( )来 ( )头( )进 ( )别( )逢 筋脉( )() 1.某人用24000元买进甲、乙两种股票,在甲股票升值15%、乙股票下跌10%是卖出,共获利1350远,试问该人买的甲、乙两种股票各是多少元?(不考虑印花税和手续费)2.甲、乙两人分别从相距24KM的两 一道超简单的题下列动物被列为我国一级保护动物的是?A 海豚 B 野骆驼 C 大象 D 鸵鸟 请问一下火车过大桥时,在桥上(完全在桥上)时,火车长度是不是桥长-火车长度啊?因为从上桥开始到下桥火车走了一个桥长+自己的长度.我急求回答. 一道超级简单题某物体做匀加速之间运动 初速度为0m/s a=1m/s^2 请问4s走了多少m?8m 可答案偏偏是10m啊 还有这个 一个铁球从高空落下 第一秒下落了9.8m 以后每一秒比第一秒多下落9.8m 共经过10秒 1.甲乙两车同时从A地到B地,甲车每小时比乙车快1.6千米.甲车开到B地用了3小时,然后立即返回,在离B地2.8千米的地方与乙车相遇,求A,B两地的路程.2.11……1(1000个)-22……(500个)3.有一个长方形,底 已知下列关于X的方程:4(X-3)+2a=-X+5……1;7X-3=a+x……2.若方程1与2的根的比为6:5,试求a的值. LADY GAGA IS WHAT WHO IS LADY GAGA'TELL ME .PLEASE be make of和be make from哪个是能看出原材料的 it's a bridge to much k_____ 急集急 cars are an important p____ of life in the united states .without cars most people f____ that they are poor.and even though a person is poor ,he doesn't r ____ feel poor when he has a car are you surprised to hear from me?i have not heard from you s____ the beginning of the sunmmer holiday .how are you getting on your s____?how are your parents?is your brother bill b____ f_____ canada yet.急 but also stop the wind from b____ the dirt away.when a bit of rain falls,the plants h____ the water. watch over和look over的区别? TEACHER-who cleaned the blackboard yesterday?JOHN-I did.为什么回答是I did.而不是I cleaned. -Who cleaned the blackbroad yesterday,Dick?-John _____ A.cleaned B.does C.did 选什么,为什么 ---Who cleaned the window yesterday?---I ___.---Who cleaned the window yesterday?---I _____.A.have cleaned B.did C.have done D.cleaned敝人才疏学浅,不知其解,这厢有礼了 爱的华尔兹填词,关于朋友的词