
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:08:46
翻译:I am afraid there is not much in their points of view. There isn't any football in the office.(中文翻译) I don’t wanna see you cry so come on girl 1.—Come on,Peter.I want to show you something.—Oh,how nice of you!I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift.(NMET90)A.never thought; were goingB.didn’t think;were going为什么选A不选B2.Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?It w I don't want to sleep.come on,come on的歌词 请问是什么歌? 2002年后流行的走秀音乐,男生唱的,开头一句是come on get down baby ,i want it on baby 2002年后流行出来的,男生唱的,开头一句是come on get down baby ,i want it on baby come on get down baby ,i want it on baby ...然后后 男声 英文歌曲 节奏感强 歌词有myself 什么 body,baby come on,I wanna see you等歌词中还有ba ba ga,乖乖、乖乖(音),because you know等 -Do you know _____there is a post office around here?-Yes,it's on the Second Street.A.if B.that C.where D.which答案选if,可是为什么啊,回答在哪里不是应该由where 还想知道quickly和fast的区别。 是I don't know if there are any students here对的还是I don't know if there is any student here对的 no reason why是嘛意思?请问 no reason why 请指教, 那for no reason 和no why的意思一样吗? 嚼jue二声能组什么词除了咀嚼 用嚼组词 在rna里面3'和5'是什么意思? 嚼的组词是jiao和jue的拼音 DNA中的一段5‘-AGTCTGACT-3’序列等同于RNA中的那一段? 嚼怎么组词 现有—DNA片段.它的顺序为:5'-TAAGTC-3' 转录从左向右进行,生成的RNA序列应是( ) A 英语翻译Towards evening,we landed on an unknown planet.Lam,our pilot,brought us to a cave.We went through it.Everything inside was huge."Let's get out of here',Peters,our navigator,said."It's a monster's home'."Maybe he's friendly',I said."We'll 英语翻译不用了,我已经解决了, That is no reason --------- why you should leave.定语从句, My bike is broken .I want to have it r_____ tomorrow . My bike is broken.I want ___this afternoon.A.to have it repaired B have it repairC to have it repair D have it repaired 改错:My bike is broken and I have got to get it to repair. k e a s p 这几个字母可以组成的单词 用e t k s a这几个字母组成一个单词 r e a b f k a t s这列字母可组成什么单词 求起英文名 D或T开头女的用好听点的 英语 中同义词的转换是何意思? 英语再见怎么说?很郁闷,good bye 跟good bay 到底哪个才是再见啊?toodles这又是什么意思呢? 英语 什么是改为同义词His father and mother like fish 改为同义词是什么样子 These are red balls也是 哪个词是要改的?那个是什么类别的词(比如名词介词之类的)是不是要改为复数?不好意思 刚开始 爪的多音组词