
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:29:51
怎么才能确定自己是普通人做个顺水人情告诉我怎么把自己发挥到极限 填名言:小明是出了名的“迟到大王”你应该对他说: 与“亡羊补牢、“迟到(做)总比不到(做)好”类似的名人名言!要中文的,还要要注明出处哦!重点是“迟到(做)总比不到(做)好”这句,不要都是跟错误有关的。 因为睡懒觉而迟到而后悔,能指那句名言? 关于不要迟到的名言中国人说的 风流人物 诸葛亮的作文 求《风流人物》的作文.不要诸葛亮. a most intereting story有这种用法吗?请仔细思考,这题不是考核最高级吧! 乌梅怎么吃对我记得医书上说过乌梅泡蜂蜜有利咽喉 如图所示,是工人师傅往高处运送货物的两种方法.物重均为500N,滑轮重均为10N,不计摩擦和绳重,下列说法正确的是 ( )A.甲图中的拉力等于乙图中的拉力.B.甲图中的拉力小于乙田中的拉力 写出一句反映某处变化很大的句子至少含有2个成语 英语翻译Let us analyze the process of making a sale in company like Sears and Roebuck.The customer could come to one of the retail outlet or pick up a catalog from somewhere or order via one of the direct delivery channels like television,radio o what is third party logisticsis the bridge between—— and —— 黑夜睡不着怎么办 万物睡眠的原因跟黑夜有关系吗?听说人的睡眠之谜还没有揭开,我想其中一个原因是不是因为有白天黑夜的关系,晚上不能做什么事,就开始睡觉了,经过几百万年就进化成这样了?或者说,有多 what,you,call,can,tiger,little,in,english,a?连词成句 There are very few but admire his talents.please explain I didn't admire his money but his quality. help的宾格假如help前面是动词那用宾格该用什么? integrated agreement是什么意思 help后的人称用宾格吗 Where are the_____ _____ (sing)?用所给单词适当形式填空 我找同志有吗有请加我 are the _____ _____(sing)? report card 什么意思? Oh clouds above me Where are the birds that used to sing?Everything's wrong Oh where is their song 找英语高手检查个 You cannot improve your past, but you ca找英语高手检查个You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.怎么写更好! 激励高中生的一句名言, SCHOOL FOOD 光化门店怎么样 You can't improve your past You can improve yourYou can't improve your pastYou can improve your future SCHOOL FOOD 明洞店怎么样 you cant impriove your past but you can improve youfuture帮翻译一下什么意思