
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:18:23
四个连续奇数的积是945,这四个数中最小是(),最大是(). 动物环保想象作文动物们之间发生的故事,把动物当人,还要写关于环保的动物引发的环抱想像作文 四个连续奇数的积是945,这四个数的和是多少? 3^2010-3^2009×4+8×3^2008能被那几个10以内的整数整除急 急………… 7^2010-5×7^2009+3*7^2008能被17整除吗 我喜欢狗是因为他们对人很友好 I like dogs { } they're { } { }people英语填空 英语翻译GUIDE dogs (导盲犬) are good friends and helpers for blind people.Now,a new kind of robot can also do the same job.NSK,a Japanese robotics company,is hard at work on a robot guide dog.The robot makes good use of wheels (轮子) on its space into sent man china a 组句子 China()a man into space in the spaceship.China()a man into space in the spaceship.A.sent B.send 选择正确的选项. a man/China/to space too/sent我的一道英语题我不会请各路神仙帮帮我 The tallest man in China is 2.36 metres tall 翻译 Many countries have sent up man made satellites into space _____(includ)China 安塞腰鼓分为三个部分每个部分讲了什么并写出每个部分的主要内容 that's just the way it is 翻译 英语翻译意思是众所周知么? 昆虫记,摘抄好句法布尔的《昆虫记》摘抄.共100句,每句最少15字基础分20,如果摘抄的好可以追加分... On April 12, 1961,_____27—year—old Yuri Gagarin(尤里.加加林)became the first human to go into_____ space.A. the;不填 B. the; the C. a;不填 D. a; the解释下谢谢 ( ) 1.Please practice ______ every day.A.speaking English B.playing the piano C.to speak English D.doing kung “选择题”和“多项选择题”用英语怎么说我知道“multiple-choice question”,但是有的人说是“选择题”,有人说“多项选择题”,究竟这两个分别怎么说? 400字景物作文,要运用比喻和拟人修辞手法 多项选择1.how many pencils do you have --------------a.guess b.open it and see c.twelve d.i'm fine.thank you .2.she's my mother .---------a.really?b.she's beautiful c.who's that man d.is she your mother 3.let's fly a kite .______________-a.ok!b.g 英语多项选择题的题型是怎么样的啊给个典型的题目吧. 多项选择题供选择的答案(就是a..b...)在英文叫什么?最好是一个单词,谢谢其实...我也知道option,只是想问一下道有没有更确切的单词PS:用在数据库设计 原创新课堂8年级上学期物理(配人教地区使用)答案刚刚转学要补好多急等! celine-that is the way it is她的歌词是什么啊? That'S the way it iS的中英文对照歌词这个是席琳·笛瓮的歌,但是中文翻译是什么?最好一句英文下面是一句中文, that's the way it is语法点?that's the way it is 这个句子中怎么出现哪了两个is?,包括此句中的其他的语言点 谢 that's the way it is 的汉译是什么 That is the way it goes.谚语翻译 China has ( ) three astronauts to space by Shenzhou 5.A.got B.sent C.takenD.carried为什么? 完形填空 Shenzhou VI astronauts sleep on the w______ of the spaceship. The three astronauts (took a space shuttle)to go tothe space.(对划线部分提问)