
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:05:46
cheap是什么意思?它的比较级是什么?more是什么意思?finish是什么意思?rice是什么意思? Unit12 You are supposed to shake hands 的两篇课文.感激不尽!我在赶一篇英语论文,想用这两篇课文作为论据. you're sopposed to shake hands what a----- do you yhave in your school You probanly shake his or her hand怎么You probanly shake his or her hand怎么翻译 when he_(shake) his hand withthe girl .his face turned red He is very nervous.I noticed his hand (shake) 怎么填啊·什么知识点 想了解一韩国的政治、历史、地理、饮食、风俗、天气、各个方面的.在这先谢啦 all the things表示复数但用 is啊?all the things is wonderful.类似的还有那些词呢? All bad for the most bad things..You guys my heart啥意思.You guys my heart。是内意思么 暴雨、特大暴雨的雨量是多少? Bec高级的口试第一部分的问题Bec高级的口试第一部分中,考官对你提两个问题,第一个是关于你个人,请问第一部分口试是考官直接问你问题,还是你进去先作自我陈述, BEC高级口试备考需要哪些材料? 2011下半年bec高级口试在哪里考? 谁能解决这题? 要英语小短文!好背的,不用太多,(是老师让背的,)我英语灰常得不好,比帅球宝童鞋的答案在短点中不? Are your teachers strict____you____your study? study hard,( ) (肯定)to be good at your subjectstudy hard,you are( ) (肯定)to be good at your subject 漏了 mike于1月8日在大街上走失用英语怎么说 Mink于1月8日在大街上走失 用英语怎么说 在做“摇动”讲时,shock与rock与shake有什么区别? rock、shock、shake的区别.最好能造句并翻译 辨析这五个短语.1.break down 2.break in3.break out4.break through5.break away from能给出例句更好 CLap,COah,WaVe,ShaKe,StamP这些单词怎么译汉语.谢谢 1.已知x+y+z=6,xy+yz+xz=7,则x²+y²+z²=?2.(2a+2b+1)(2a+2b-1)=63,则a+b=?3.已知x²+y²=5,x-y=2,求(x+y)²的值为?4.(a-2b+3)(a+2b-3) 5.2002²-2001×2003=?6.求值:(1)已知(x+y)²=20,(x-y)²=40求x&s 1.某商场3月营业50万元 缴纳后还有47.5万元商场按怎样的税率纳税?2.我将500元存银行,1年后本息519.35元年利率是多少?注意:把过程写下,呵呵 这个题帮我解决一下.说一下为什么 你,我和他是好朋友的英语 __ ,__ __ __ are good friends 我们依然是好朋友的英文是we are also good friends.不是的话是什么? 英语翻译I'm on a roll,I'm on a roll This time,I feel my luck could change Kill me Sarah,kill me again with love It's gonna be a glorious day Pull me out of the aircrash Pull me out of the wake I'm your superhero We are standing on the edge The He 1.“我”为什么要毁坏弟弟的风筝,表现了“我”的什么感情? 英语翻译ĐĂNG KÝ TÀI KHOẢN GATE PASSPORT Nhập vào địa chỉ Email và Mật khẩu Địa chỉ Email:Nhập lại Email:Địa chỉ Email chính là tên