
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:01:44
有谁搞过韦博国际英语搞的测试?(武汉的) 韦博英语 测试 2.7分 是什么水平该上哪个级别? Mike has ten photos.Daniel has eight photos .合并为一句.Mike has( ) photos ( ) Daniel.求速度、效率.Mike has ten photos.Daniel has eight photos .合并为一句.Mike has( ) photos ( ) Daniel. everybody is finetranslate It ,please~thanks 英语翻译爱,与相貌无关,与年龄无关,与性别无关,爱只与爱有关.不要用翻译器哦 要优美一点的哈. BEC中级应该怎么复习?12月份考了. 英语填空求解答 sought -after author -------------is the youngest premier in British history after Brown. 音标是【e】的字母 所有字母的音标 30分钟内 如e【i:】30分钟内 如e【i:】一 Iron is a kind of matter.判断句型结构并指出句子成分 含有音标[e]的字母 哪位大人知道工程标准中的force-stroke是什么意思? 帮写一篇大一新生入学感想 2000字左右 Every room has a computer with a special screen,almost as big as a cinema screen.为什么是简单句 Every office and every reading room____equipped with a telephone.is还是are? ---Well,Sir,the standard room or the special room?---___is ok.A、All B、Either C、Every D、Both With HoneyBaked,now you can make every occasion special. little,has,curl,a,Tina怎么连词成句? 用所给单词的适当形式填空 kangaroos are _____ (play) and chimpanzees are______ (noise)Air ___ (pollute) is bad for our healthhe is writing__________ (say) that his father is illzoos should provide clean and safe places for______ (danger) a let s-----(play)the volin 用所给词的适当形式填空 There is no doubt that shopping online gives us many advantages,It is convenient for busy workers to make purchases of goods they need.What's more,for the most part the price on the internet is cheaper than that in the stores.英语改错, Her mother and she are shopping___a busy street.The party is___six___the afternoon.Hainan Island is a good place to go____summer.空中填介词, 在武汉市开个北大新学堂3D少儿英语班需要具备哪些条件? 在乌鲁木齐开个北大新学堂3D少儿英语班需要具备哪些条件? 在长春市开个北大新学堂3D少儿英语班需要具备哪些条件? 在兰州市开个北大新学堂3D少儿英语班需要具备哪些条件? 帮“伟豪”改个读音相似的英文名 1. (what) do you (like) your school (abou)?你喜欢你们学校的什么?2.what do you like about camping?第一题根据汉语意思补全句子,第一题和第二题意思一样,可第一题的about为什么放在了名词的后面了呢?是不是 Is that ___ her telpone number?They are ___ apples.怎么填冠词? anything? something?选择题I there ____on TV this evening?选什么? 为什么?A everything interesting B something interestingC interesting things D nothing interesting我认为没有正确的 B项 如果改成 anything interesting