
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:24:59
wow,he looks young翻译成中文是什么意思? shu ru fa ze me mei you le funds和funding的区别~具体点,最好有例子, foundation与 fund区别如题,两个词有什么区别? “……I've ever known”这句话应该怎么翻译? 请帮忙翻译—— What ever I said,he'd disagree啥意思 all we've ever known的中文翻译! (x^2+3x+18)/(x+14) qiu:Q(x) zhe ge deng shi de shang,yi ji R(x) zhe ge deng shi de yu shu QIU YI BEN SHU ,XIE DE SHI YI GE REN CHONG SHENG ZHI HUO ,DA YI ZHI YA DOU BAO ZHUANG BENG.SHI S M 非谓语中表示现在进行时的被动语态用being done?例如,What's up?You look down.I have piles of papers___________,but I type so be typed type C.being typed选哪一个? 非谓语 to do/do/doing/done的用法?主动语态下 被动语态下 是怎样?have l非谓语 to do/do/doing/done的用法?主动语态下 被动语态下 是怎样?have let make的区别是什么?i can't let you runing up and down all day lon 被动语态中谁是主语?A be done by B be done 介词 能做非谓语吗be done 介词作非谓语省略be是什么意思? 地球赤道长是40076km假如一架飞机沿赤道每小时飞行85OKm,大约多少能绕赤道飞一周呢? He's totally disorganized给翻译一下? Is he nuts?No,he's Totally中文翻译 动漫“命运长夜”中的曲子stand in the rain的歌词翻译 Stand in the Rain lrc不是LRC的不给分有的话还可与加分好的 等我下下来就给分在给加20分 joey读法 "廓然无累"怎样解释才好?帮帮我呀! joey moe的读音是什么?有一个歌手叫joey moe 这个名字怎么读? after school里nana和lizzy谁最漂亮? after school 的mv初恋里的lizzy是哪个? after school lizzy有谁知道after school 的新成员lizzy介绍唱的歌的名字(好像是英文歌) after school里朴秀英(lizzy)的理想型是什么样的?不是弘基那型的对不对、、绝对不可以是弘基那型的、、绝对.亲们呐、拜托告诉我.lizzy不喜欢我弘基. Peter gave the old man a helping hand in the rain.(保持句意不变)Peter( )the old man a ( )in the rain. 1)It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A. when B. that C. which D. in which2)The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.A. spoke B. spoken C. was spoken D. were spoken 类似fine的发音的单词类似fine的【ai】的发音的单词 right fine两个单词中 i 的发音相同吗 中的比喻句是?辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星. "辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星"中的“一经”指的是什么