
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:52:31
英语特殊疑问词的疑问据我了解是以w或h开头的单词为特殊疑问词(不知道对不对),例如:what how等请问以have开头的疑问句是特殊疑问句吗? William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to ___.A.disappear B.fall C.fail D.damageB和C的区别 He found it increasingly difficult to read,( )his eyesight was beginning to fail.A.though B.for C.but D.so 请先翻译一下这句话的意思,再选出最佳选项,并说出选项的四个词分别的意思. 34.William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to ______A.disappear B.fall C.fail D.damage He found it increasingly difficult to read,( )his eyesight was beginning to fail.浏览次数:458次悬请问你这个问题是在哪里遇到的, 句子一定是由主语和谓语构成的吗 He found it increasingly difficult to read ,()his eyesinht was beginning to fail.A,and Bbut Cor DwHe found it increasingly difficult to read ,()his eyesinht was beginning to fail.A,and Bbut Cor Dwhile 一个句子一定要有主语、谓语和宾语构成吗?请坐.这个句子里面什么是主语,什么是谓语,什么是宾语? 这个句子里请是动词还是副词?坐是不是动词?问题补充:有追加!大家详细易懂的给我讲一 给我20个有主语谓语的句子 并标出主语谓语 主语加上谓语的句子 对日期提问用什么疑问词 我想在手臂上纹身 ~ 想纹英文字母 希望大家能给我个意见 要纹出来好看的~ 对日期是用什么疑问词提问?英语 小腿纹身纹什么英文字母好看 纹身纹个类似2的字母是什么意思?什么含义? 英语作文 how to follow thetraffic rules 60词 尽量有好词好句 follow the traffic rule 的中文是什么 Do they follow the traffic rules的意思是问句,忘记打问号了 不是知道不知道的问题、这是原则问题、用英语怎么说 we should obey traffic rules in order to keep ourselves____(save)求答案是safely 还是safe WHY we should observe traffic rules in order to keep ourselves___.(save)知道是safe,说明为什么 Traffic rules keep traffic in order on the road,and they_____keep people safe.You should_____ onTraffic rules keep traffic in order on the road,and they_____keep people safe.You should_____ on the sidewalk(人行道)or on the right side of the road.Y 我很清楚地知道,英语怎么说 画画怎么能不相信自己的眼睛呢? 改为陈述句.求有几种改法? 画画怎么能不相信自己的眼睛呢?把上面的句子换个说法. good(反义词) ( ) 连词成句:(1)you the know rules must traffic(2)do to how farm we go the(3)learn song who a wants to new修改病句:看了《雷锋》这部电影,是我受到了深刻的教育.写作:What’s your favourite season?W everyone,rules,traffic,must,the,know(.) 连词成句 You must konw the traffic rules.重写为? 一you must remember the traffic rules.(变为祈使句二The student often walk to the cinema on the weekend.改为同义句 you the kuow rules must traffic every now and now and then 与 every now and then 的区别是什么?