
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:50:47
Because I'm the best there is at what I do.请帮我讲解一下这句话的结构, Very nice,very neat,Has teeth,but cannot eat.What is it? 用所给词的适当形式填空why don't you ask ----(anything) to help you?the satisfied ----(feel) stop him from trying best.the teacher's only ---(think) was for his students.选择( )the keys are pressed but nothing ---- on the screen.A is appe 英语高手请进 Jin Yong is one of the greatest and eldest ___ writers.He is still_____A.living;alive B.living;living C.alive;living D.alive;aliveliving不是不仅可作定语,也可以作表语?为什么选A不选B 【首先注明:每道题必须都有讲解,通俗易懂的,有事实根据】1.He said that the moon _______(travels/traveled)round the earth.2.She said ______(help) others changed her life.3.She said _____(help)the poor changed her life.4.It seem I will never for get the day when I meet you! 帮我看看这句话有错吗I'm so lucky to pass the exam..I'm so lucky to pass the exam..这样说有语法错误吗..? 初三英语高手请进!完成下列句子:1.Your brother used to be very shy,[ ] he ?2.What if it [ ](rain) heavily tomorrow?第二句要填的是rain的某一个时态,rain是做提示的.已知标答是didn't ,rains,谁能告 英语翻译 改为同义句 Keeping a cat as a pet is very intereting .___very interesting ___ ___ a cat as a pet. Kate finished her homework ,she began to go to bed改为复合句 介绍山海关 天下第一关(山海关)英语介绍,要求300词左右.最好附汉语意思. 王家大院用英语怎么说,还有山海关用英语怎么说 《山海关》中用咽喉来形容山海关,说明了什么? 状的近义词是什么 Children,you must do the home work( )(填反身代词) 英语翻译问题主要在come with 主要是come 的原因, 能书善画是第一个字和第三个字是近义词 再接再厉是ABAC形式 前仆后继和舍生取义都是第一个和第三个能书善画是第一个字和第三个字是近义词再接再厉是ABAC形式前仆后继和舍生取义都是第 填近义词:(胡)思(乱)想()书()善()情()志 Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.这句话怎么连读? 有关保护文物的作文 保护文物 爱我家乡的作文关于灵石的 比如王家大院 资寿寺 旌介等等 What areyou doing vacation?Me?I’m looking my mother at home.急用!A:for,after B:for,for C:for a,after D:for a,forWhat are you doing .......vacation?Me?I’m looking my mother at home 一首非主流歌曲 开头是How do you do 求歌名 HOW DO YOU DO 这首歌用汉语谐音怎么唱.求大虾.急 求歌名.在韩剧里听到过.背景音乐,男的唱的,只记得一句大概是 :how do you feel how do you like 粉红海豚和中华白海豚他们是同一种么? 《白雪歌送武判归京》,哪里比喻雪了?白雪歌送武判官归京 【唐】岑参北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪.忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开. 就到这儿.哪里比喻雪了? 听到一首歌,开头有一句话,How do you describe the feeling中间MS有一句tell me,how do(have?)you see my eye.反复出现还有一句i miss you 出自岑参《白雪歌送武判归京》中,“北风卷地白草折”的下一句是什么? how do you ____now.__填什么?是feel还是feeling?