
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:05:49
I`ve got a should you r get pet you a dog as 连词成句 I've get a lovely little dog.这句话有什么错误? 英子刚刚站定还没开口,教室里响起了热烈的掌声.应该用什么关联词呢拜托各位了 3Q 句子练习:英子刚刚站定还没开口.教室里响起了热烈的掌声和并成一句话 英子永远不会忘记那掌声,掌声使英子明白,同学们并没有歧视她用关联词语将两句话合为一句话 police officer是一种设么样的工作? police officer是什么意思 police officer.是什么? Why didn't you tell me there was no meeting today?I --all the way here through the heavy sonw.A.mustn't have driven B.can't have drivenC.needn't have driven D.shouldn't have driven The degree to which people get involved in societies varies a great deal.为什么用to which AP微观经济学:Which of the following is the defining characteristic of a capitalistic economyA well-functioning capital marketsB Private ownership and protection of propery rightsC fair distribution of income and low income taxesD equality of o Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?中文意思 责任内阁制的形成过程简要一些 police是复数吗 爱迪生的品德不好看了不少文献,发现爱迪生的品德似乎不怎么好嘛.(我是说品德,不是说科学精神) 英语翻译The compensation shall cover such Services which constitute an operational benefit for [LG] respectively its subsidiaries and which are rendered in the paramount interest of [LG] respectively its subsidiaries.It shall in general be calcul 英语翻译报表生成一直是企业信息化过程中重要的一环,也是目前比较难于实现的一环,在应用系统开发时,大多数系统需要进行报表输出,有时对报表的要求很多并且要求报表能够动态设计.本 英语翻译Please note that this is not an official offer letter.When we receive evidence that you have fulfilled the conditions we will send you a Certificate of Acceptance,which you will need to begin your studies at the University.In order to con My father is a police officer.(划在a police officer下)划线提问 My friend is a (a police officer) 用3种方法多括号提问 请附中文 He is a police officer.(对划线部分提问) What——he——? I didn't go to the party,but I do wish I ______ (be) there. 爱是掌声,鼓起英子生活的勇气;爱还是什么 除了be popular among/with 还有什么关于popular的短语? 谁能告诉我爱迪生聚光救母这篇小学课文的真实性,因为我听别人说这些事是为了突出这些科学家的品质而编出 police和policeman的用法怎么区分.可以说两个例句吗? they can do () work with () money "police""policeman"和"policewoman"的区别 policeman和police有什么区别如果说 我是个警察该怎么说 the police,policeman有什么区别吗? 地震的英文怎么说啊?