
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:37:13
BEC中级含金量有多高?难考么 高级难考么? They go swimming every evening.改一般疑问句 l'll go shopping this Saturday改为一般疑问句 _____ _____go shopping this Saturday______ ______go shopping this Saturday don't,the,i,go,in,shopping ,evening.连词组句i ( )( )shopping in the evening 连词成句 in,Susan,coffee,is,dining room,making,the A plane into the sky flew some balloons with(连词成句) 我们肉眼能看多远?能看到多少光年之外的星星? Not because you need to love you,but because you just need your love 如题 All I need is just the love from you 请问有什么理论是解释“法不责众”的行为的? 说说埃塞俄比亚驾照翻译什么地方能做? 英语翻译狄青为枢密使,有狄梁公之后,持梁公画像及告身十余通,诣青献之,以谓青之远祖.青谢之曰:“一时遭际,安敢自比梁公?”厚有所赠而还之.比之郭崇韬哭子仪之墓,青所得多矣.要翻译! 梦溪笔谈 人事 译文 连词成句:see I some can peaches see,in,boats,i,some,the,picture连词成句 法不责众什么意思 英语翻译4.3.5 Seller is obliged to sell and deliver essential spare and wearing parts to buyer for a period of ten years from the expiry of this contract.Should seller discontinue to manufacture the spare and wearing parts in question,he is relea 英语翻译Standard CMOS Features——》Floppy Drive AAdranced BIOS FeaturesIntegrated peripheralsPower Management SetupH/W MonitorBIOS Setting PasswordCell MenuLoad Fail-Safe DefaultsLoad Optimized DefaultsSave & Exit SetupExit Without Saving我 Some boy students are in the classroom改为同义句 我想用一句有特别的话或者是成语来表达《什么事情都想做到最好》唉,书到用时方恨少啊!..呵呵 英语翻译翻译:且当择人事之胜理,思社稷之长计,斯则天下幸甚,令名可报矣和这一句:简文帝每言述才既不长,直以真率便敌人耳'谢安亦叹美之 晋书 王述传 且当择人事之胜理,思社稷之长计,斯则天下幸甚,令名可保矣.怎么翻译? when i got there,i saw some boys ____on the playground .空内应填什么很着急,中间的选项有:A playingB played C to playD was waiting 英语翻译中式简餐排骨套餐25咖喱鸡套餐25红烧牛腩套餐25台湾卤肉饭套餐25黑椒火腿蛋炒饭25咖喱海鲜炒饭25黑椒牛柳炒饭25老干妈鸡丝炒饭25扬州炒饭 25蒜香牛肉炒饭25西式意面:意大利肉酱 形容无论怎样努力都得不到的成语. 什么成语能形容只能远远地看着他、却得不到他 求一个形容很近但得不到的俗语成语也行,短句也行 为什么错, 解释为什么错了 解释a为什么错了 解释请详细一点 为什么错也要 什么事情能做,什么事情不能做,就一句成语或古语怎么表示