
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:48:37
THE CAPTIVE REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST 9怎么样 We should help with the____ of the less advanced countries.(develop) And the children starve ().Help should be given by the rich countries ,but rich countries have problems,(6).The air isn’t fresh and the rivers are (7)dirty to swim in or (8)water from .Also the roads are too crowded to drive(9). Benefiting each other is an international ____to help the developing countries in business.A.design B.style C.shape D.pattern 今年作文会不会写地震方面的?(例如:在灾难面前我们怎么面对?等等)面对突如其来的灾难,我们是否应吸取教训?是否应该有强烈的求生意志向?其实我们是否重视自身安全知识,是否能减少 Tony walks to school every school days.His home is a little far the school.修改2个病句, 手机的价格一降再降,有的甚至降了两倍.修改病句 兔子为什么会跟长蛾上月宫~? He isn't atschool now._(拯救)he is at home. congratulations单词怎么读 because of too much hunting of the forests in ___ they live,tigers have been place in dangerA whereB whichC whoD when Torn between two lovers 歌词大意?there are timeswhen a woman has to say what's on her mind even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt before i say another word let me tell you i love you let me hold you close and say these words as gently as 杞人忧天中的晓之者的解释对吗? 金鱼能用自来水养么 杞人忧天的晓之者说的是否合乎科学?理由 金鱼用自来水养可以吗?我用自来水养不到半天就死了 杞人忧天,其人为何喜?晓之者为何喜?快,我看着! 自来水中什么物质让金鱼死忙 6个单词中文意思 怎么找出反馈放大电路的反馈通路还有净输入信号?共基极、共射极、共集电极反馈通路都在发射极上么? never不应该和完成时用吗?现完还是过完?还有它可以用于一般现在时? 杞人忧天中—晓智者的话是否有道理? 杞人忧天里因往晓之曰的晓是什么意思 "东"开头的词语写多点, 东字开头的诗句,要优美点的,7个字的 ‘宅’是什么意思啊 共集电极放大电路输入信号从基极和集电极两端加入,怎么看出来的? Everything depends on youself!It doesn't matter to me whether other people like it or not 书上写共集电极放大电路的输入信号从基极和集电极之间加入,看不出来是这样的? 模具中电极,应该怎么放其中的平动量.怎么做?比如说.我现在要做一个小型腔正方形的.实际尺寸为20mm.圆角为R2...,精雕过后放其余量0.2一边为19.6 那请问,..应该怎么做电极..电极应该做到什么 这里为什么都用would阿 不能用will么 We all can spend our free time on good bWe all can spend our free time on good books and other things.同义句