
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:53:28
主要是想知道公式法. 九年级上册数学全品作业本二元一次方程第一课时公式法6.7题 求1,3,用公式法,急 一元二次函数公式法, 英语题为什么这个选项?the yellow shirt is( )a:her B;my c:your d;his为什么选“his好的多给几分. (A为正确选项,B为错误选项)1.------What would you do if it ________ tomorrow?------We have to carry it on ,since we've got everything ready.A.rains B.will rain2.I don't really work here ; I ____ until the new secretary just helpi 帮我看看那个不对一、单项选择20分( D )1.That’s ______ interesting work.A.a C.the D./ ( A )2.--__________ – I’m a reporter.A.What do you do?B.Who are you?C.What is your job?D.Both A and C.( C )3.______ does your fa 英语题选项题may is()month of the year a five b fifth c the fiveth d the fifth this is not my book lt's a my sister b my sisters c my sister‘s d my sisters’s room is very beautiful 英语逻辑题You walk into a dark room with a match in your hand .There is a gas lamp ,a candle in the room.which one do you want to light up first?那应先点哪个?(英语 gmat逻辑题英语 求解此逻辑题(English):请给出解题思路(中文)Each of five students,Christina,Bernie,Isreal,Jamie,and Angela,will be assigned to give a report on one the following plays:Merchant of Venice,Othello,King Lear,Hamlet,and Richard lll.Each 初一英文逻辑题You waik into a match in your hand.There is a gas lamp,a candie in the room.Which one do you want to light up first?Answer: 一到英文逻辑题two players play a game.we have coins whose value is 1,5,10,25,50,100.And the two players take turns to put one coin into a pot.The one who reach value 678 will be the winner (it is not allowed to exceed this value).who will win? you ----me waiting for two hours.i ----for you since five.a,kept ...waitedb,have kept...waitedc,kept...have waitedd,have kept...have waited怎么选,为什么,这句子怎么翻译啊 一道英语逻辑题It's rainning cats and dogs now,the word“cats ang dogs”means_____.(In English.) 请翻译这个句子并回答,说明原因. 请教一道逻辑题A,B.C三人住在一家旅馆.一天,三人委托服务员D去买几件物品,预付D24元钱.D的购物共花去20元钱,并将剩余的4元交与A、B、C.三人经协商后决定,将1元钱作为报酬赠与D,再将剩余的3 一道逻辑题,请教啊!古代有个智者犯了死罪,国王在执行他的死刑时留给他一个机会,希望他能运用智慧解救自己的生命.国王对智者说:“在你面前站着两个卫兵,他们手中各端着一瓶外观完全 求问一道逻辑题,ABCD四个人同去公园,每人出5分钱交A保管,门票一人4分,矿泉水一瓶1分一起4瓶,可是结束后A还赚了2分,为什么?A手里的钱都是其他3人看着花出去的,所以不存在什么优惠中奖之 逻辑代数的分配律A+BC=(A+B)(A+C)怎么证明?如题!逻辑代数定律、定理和恒等式有什么方法便于记忆! 逻辑设计基础的题 证明:A+BC=(A+B)(A+C)(A+B)(A+C) =AA+AC+BA+BC =A+AC+AB+BC =A(1+C+B)+BC =A+BC 请问最后这一步是为什么A(1+C+B)+BC=A+BC 求详解 我刚学这个 不太懂 数字电子技术基础小题目 A+BC= (A)A+B (B)A+C (C)(A+B)*(A+C) (D)B+C数字电子技术基础小题目 A+BC= (A)A+B (B)A+C (C)(A+B)*(A+C) (D)B+C (A+B)(B+C)(C+D)=BC+BD+AC 这是一道计算机科学导论的题目,请运用逻辑公式,进行证明这是一道计算机科学导论的题目,请运用逻辑公式,进行证明 1.试将逻辑函数化成最小项之和表达式.2.试用卡诺图表示逻辑函数. 逻辑函数Y=AB'+A'B+BC'+B'C化为最简与或形式 逻辑函数表达式F1=B'+A'B'+A'C'+ABC 用公式法化简逻辑函数F=AB+ABC' +ABD 逻辑函数Y=(A异或B)C+ABC+C的最简表达式? 逻辑函数Y=(A+B)C+ABC+C的最简表达式是? 逻辑表达式化简abc+非a+非b+非c+d 化简下列逻辑表达式? F=AB(AC+BC) x的绝对值大于等于0 的vb逻辑表达式 如果在VB中要判断a=1,求表达式