
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:35:33
以直线y+x=0为对称轴且与直线y-3x=2对称的直线方程为?最好把直角坐标系图像给画出来 已知A(-2,0),B(2,0)为椭圆的左、右顶点,F为其右焦点,P是椭圆上异于A,B的动点,且三角形PAB面积的最大值为2根号3. (Ⅰ)求椭圆的方程及离心率;(Ⅱ)直线AP与椭圆在点B处的切线交于点D,当直 已知圆:x²+y²+4x-4y-1=0与圆:x²+y²+2x-13=0相交于P,Q两点,则直线PQ的方程是?公共弦PQ的长为? 产生角动量的原因是什么?物体具有角动量的充要条件是什么? 角动量守恒中的r是矢量吗? 请问:调和级数“1/2+1/3+1/4.+1/n”的和是多少?高等数学书上说有极限,但是没有具体给出.我们寝室用电脑编程算了一下,当n=240000000时.此数列的值接近20了.(很遗憾,电脑配置不行,再往上算就死 用首先.接着.然后写一段话,不少于250字 用首先...其次...再其次写一段话.250字以上.如果好的话有赏哦...详写首先 石灰吟中不怕牺牲,坚守高洁情操的诗句是什么? 赞颂诗人誓死捍卫 清白 的诗句?赞颂诗人誓死捍卫 清白 的诗句有什么 表现不怕牺牲的词语有哪些? 几道数学题(我做了的,没保障,)一.判断1.半径是直线,直径是线段.( )2.两端都在圆上的线段是直径.( )3.所有圆的半径都相等,直径也都相等.( )4.在同一个圆中,任意两条半径都可以组成一 求以"花开花落"为题的文章拜托各位了 3Q要800字, 以花开花落为题的作文 记叙文 花X花开花落前面一个该怎么填? 将《草丛的村落》一文录入计算机,王强5小时可录完,李辉和王强两人合作2小时完成,李辉一人将《草丛的村落》打完要( )小时? 一道相遇应用题的解答(用算式)只能用算式1.两列火车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,其中一列火车从甲地到乙地用10小时,另一列火车用8小时,经过几小时两车相遇? 证明xn=(sqr(nn+aa)-n )/n的极限为1 将军百战死壮士十年归含义是 myself 英语作文 80单词 最好要有中文翻译的 需要例文 要介绍学习情况 爱好和兴趣 帮写一篇英语作文题目为:I have different ways to relax myself就是介绍一下自己放松自己的方式 英语几个句子,英译中1.more than 200 people from dongsi are learning english2.Lots of visitors to the Olympic Games will speak engilsh,so the people from dongsi need to learn english quickly.3.No one wants to speak it badly or carelessly. 求助英语高手:翻译中介词问题例如:There are well established and improving programs of data collection and reporting that address pavement and bridges as discrete asset classes. 我的英语水平较低,我的疑惑是:1)那个of 求几句英语英译中~不要翻译网翻译的 希望英语好的朋友能帮帮忙~1 I felt as though I was split in tow,so keen was my desire to follow her,and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and up 一个点到一个面的距离怎么求?还有一个面到另一个面的距离,用高二向量知识! 英语翻译他的计划是我们昨天及时赶上火车成为可能(make it possible)如果你不想使汤姆失望,就应该给他一些好的建议(let sb.down)我现在买不起这辆轿车,但是十年后我能买得起(afford to do 英语翻译1.当提到最难忘的时刻,我一定会选学校艺术节上的合唱,这给我的回忆增加了绚烂的一笔.(come to which的非限制定语 brilliant add a·······touch to···2·当艺术节临近时,我们四个女孩 几句句子需要英译中But I had constructed a mental wall against his unsettledness.My fascination with nature provided me with an endless source of amusement.One morning I was at leave to wander the bush keeping a careful eye out for my beauty. 一句长句英译中These enhancements are not unlike the advances being implemented under the concept of "smart power",where national objectives and leadership direction are advanced by mixing a range of the right instruments of the national power, 英译中 几句i think all three lavender flowers should all be the same size.Please make all the flowers the same large size in a triangle pattern,instead of straight line.Would like to see more flower than green leave background.The Kopotellie til 下面几段英文求翻译,1.Mr.Evasio Barbero (Passport No.:E3076844) be authorized to act on behalf of the Company and to conclude,sign and execute any instructions and agreements with any branch of HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited in Mainland Ch 化妆品企业彩铃词