
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:43:20
Say the question是什么意思? 名字怎么写才好看,我叫张新,我名字用什么写法好看啊,怎么个性签名啊,怎么写简单又好看.知道的说下, we ___ (tell) you the truth if we know ither mother has been ____(worry) all day.where will the boy ____(go) if he wants something to eat? Don‘t{ }in class.Please lisen to the teacher carefully. 求高手翻译一句话:the idea of making checklists and calendars,organizing and planning ahead sounds 1.Just ___ here and ____ go around. A.to stay,not B.to stay,don't C.stay,not D.stay,don't2.____ to the teacher!A.To lsten B.Listen C.Not listen D.Listen3.He _____ eat in the dining hall.A.have not to B.has not to C.don't have to D.doesn't hav just stick around 英语翻译IN A matter of weeks the nationalisation of America’s banks has gone from taboo to talking point. 英语改错What is the matter of his dog matter这个英语单词是什么意思?忙的 (1/2)To say is one nothing to do is another sometimes we need to take a (2/2)lot of courage to tell truth.怎么翻译? I wanna bring you into my heart 女朋友发短信就这句,看不懂呵呵! Tom won't go to see the film .____ A.So do I B.So will I C.Neither do I D.Neither will I为什么? Don't read picture books in class,please,Bob No I____A.can't B.won't C.don't D.mustn't 赵蕾 名字怎么写好看给个设计的图哇 in the week of 4/1 翻译成四月一日那周,还是四月一日那天? How many pupils?_____them.There are twenty._____上填一个英文单词. I can't catch your words.Please speak slowly and ______. I can't catch your words.Please speak slowly and l Do your homework---------(care).怎么填?为什么? Jim is six.Henlen is eight.合并句子.及时的在+5 Jim is six.Helen is eight.(合并句子) Jim___ ___ than Helen. 8.Not you but your father____. it is waiting when i meet someone in the way.有语法错误吗 When we meet?when the separation?When we met,when the separation。 该怎么翻印 The saddest thing in life is when you meet that special someone and you know it will never be and sooner or later,you'll have to let go. He often a late for class.(根据句意及首字母提示完成单词) 描写秋天的好词好句号段 描写爸爸的好词好句号段, 为什么我从网站上复制下来的英文单词上有句号?内容可以全部复制下来,就是基本上每个单词上都有句号,这是怎么回事啊,希望大虾帮忙解决 i shudder with embrassment whenever i think about it.为什么要用 离郑州远 的英文怎么说