
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:29:08
这道物理题应该选什么 为什么 只要两个字合在一起怎么念 不要,两个字上下合在一起怎么念啊? 物理习题2道(填空题和选择)急!1.甲乙2物体质量之比为3:5,甲物体的重力为294N,则乙的质量为( )KG重力为( )N2.甲物体的质量是乙物体重力的3倍,则.( )A甲物体重力是乙物体重力的3倍 B甲乙2物体重 马和哥两个字合在一起怎么读? buy sth from 和afford to do sth造句!sth指某物某事 “道歉”的英文 哈姆雷特 摘抄赏析 要语段摘抄 赏析不少于200字 (对语段) 求哈姆雷特的赏析,三四百字左右 请写出热爱祖国的名言警句,并写出意思,还有一定要是中国人写的 数学的秘诀 John runs fastest in our school.(改为同义句)John runs faster than _____ _____ _____ students in our school. John runs fastest in our school.John runs faster than ___ ___ ___students in our school John sings well in our school____Henry,my best friend.He is also popular.A.So doesB.Neither doesC.So isD.Neither is在线等 数学不好怎么办,怎样学能好点 There are This is people careless many becaThere are This is people careless many because 连词成句 撰写一份“除夕家庭聚会主持提纲”类似于作文提纲.拟写一份“在家庭除夕聚会上的祝福词”我看过一些回答,不好,想要那一种正式提纲,比如:第一步说什么?要进行什么动作?······ (x的2次方/x-1减2x/1-x)除以x/x-1 Suzhou is _______ beautiful a city that _____ manypeople come to visit it.A.so; much B.such; so C.such; such D.so; so 21.Niagara Fall is so____ that many people come to see it every year.A.fascinating C.beautiful 爵士英语怎么写 请问谁知道有关there be 句型的英文谚语? (x+y)²-16(x-y)²这个怎么算? 与黄河有关的词语、成语、歇后语都有哪些?请大家帮下忙,偶帮要搞语文活动总之越多越好, 1.16(x+y)²-36(x-y)²2.(a²+b²)²-4a²b²3.(x+y)²+4(x-y)²-4(x²-y²) 2x^2-4x-6=0求值 Many students in our class come to school on foot.(同意句)格式:Many students in our class come to school _____ _____ . Many students in our class come to school on foot(句意相同). 求30道小数除法要求:商是无限小数.比如:21/11=1.9090909090909.,比如:5.6/23=0.24347826086. 跪求四年级小数除法要多要除的进 求:小数除法,脱式各50道脱式可以不用小数 马年伊始请你向身边的人送去美好祝福用上排比的句式