
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:27:02
关于高1数学、英语的复习我目前高1.马上进入高二,暑假里想自己在家补一补数学和英语.该怎么复习才好呢.不要说什么做题啊什么的,我想要方法和计划.数学怎么复习提分快.英语也是.谢谢大 4(X-1)=7-2X (x-4)(2x+1)=7 what do people usually do on后面应该填什么 What do people usually do on vacation? 英文翻译:很抱歉,船已经在11月24号离开,但是提单还没有确认好,等提单一有就尽快发给您 古代匈奴的后代现在在哪个国度?是欧洲的国家么? 匈奴在欧洲都征服了哪些国家 已知直线t经过点(3,-2)且在两座标轴上的截距相等,求直线t的方程 已知抛物线的顶点在原点 焦 过点P(1,0)的直线l与抛物线y^2=2x交于MN两点,O为原点.若直线OM,ON斜率之和为1,求L的直线方程 英语翻译The Mediterranean diet was put on the list in 2010. 英语翻译assume liability as prescribed in this document for such transport .One of the Bill of Lading must be surrendered duty indorsed in exchange for the goods or dilivery order. 英语翻译我们是从美国进口煤的.目的港是京唐港.请看下面一段提单上显示的一段话:Shipped on board in good order and condition from CONSOL SALES COMPANY in and upon the good PHILIPPINE EXPRESS GIB Flag of Homeport GIBRA 英语翻译Received in apparent good order and condition except as otherwise noted the total number of containers or other packages or units enumerated below for transportation from the place of receipt th the place of delivery subject to the terms 用方框中所给的词语的适当形式填空.Serious ; laugh ; invite ; help ; smart ; because ; rain ; show ; write ; shouldMr.Green won’t go to the concert ______ he is really busy .Last Saturday my best friend ______ me with my math .Lisa is 麻烦翻译以下jack should be here at any moment.. it's eight o'clock already. Jack be here by now.--It's eight o'clock already. Jack_______be here by now.--Oh, he told me that he was going to see his dentist and wouldn't be back until ten.A. must B. can C. should D. could答案: should求解释 Nick didn't go to school because he is ____(糟糕) ill Jimmy didn’t came to school yesterday ,because he was ()(terrible)ill 词形变化、、 已知抛物线方程为y2=2x,在y轴上截距为2的直线l与抛物线交于M,N两点,以M,N为直径的圆过原点,求直线l的方 已知抛物线y^2=2x,直线l过点(0,2)与抛物线交与M,N,以线段MN的长为直径的圆过坐标原点,求直线L的方程答案是x+y-2=0 I think good health depends on a balanced diet如题,depend为什么加S ( )good health depends on ( )balanced diet A:不填/a B:the/a 英语翻译love is never tired of waitting请大师帮我翻译下着句话的意思 It's nearly 7 o'clock.Jack ( ) be here at any moment.有must,need,should,can.我觉得都行的呀 It's nearly 7o'colck.Jack____be there at any moment.A.must B.need C.should D.dare 求强人给写几篇关于道歉信的英语作文,英语四级水平左右~ 在古代,人们怎麼看时间呢?How did people —— —— ——in ancient times? 每个星空棒棒糖代表着什么行星? full of love如何发音或音标 Heart Full Of Soul 歌词 It's nearly seven o'clock.Jack __ be here at any momentA mustB needC shouldD can我只想问一下,A怎么不行了?